Windows 10 USB Drivers for RM520N-GL

I don’t know, you can replace other PC to try

Of course replacing pc is not an option, its much expensive than your module. What an odd answer.

Why not suggest another driver since it is the issue.

please send me latest drivers and firmware
will the windows 10 drivers work with windows 11?

Can you please send me the latest windows driver and Firmware for the RM520N-GL

I have sent it to your email,pls try

Hi @herbert.pan-Q

can you also sent me the latest driver for rm520?


@herbert.pan-Q Can you please email me the drivers as well thank you

Can you Please send me the lastest Windows driver, Firmware, Flash Utility for the RM520n-gl.

Modem was switched into RNDIS mode and the AT port can no longer be accessed to change it back.

Hello, I have same problem. Can you please send me correct driver? Thank you

@herbert.pan-Q Hi, could you please send me the latest windows driver, Firmware for the RM520N-GL? and if you have any tutorials and document for these, that would be more helpful?

Can you please send me the latest windows driver and Firmware for the RM520N-GL


I have sent it to your email,pls try

I have sent it to your email,pls try

I haven’t received any email. Did it bounce?

@Herbert.pan-Q I never received an email with the drivers. Can you try sending again. Thanks!

I think drivers are available from website for download

i got the same proble, can you send me at

I would also like to have a windows driver which can work for RM520N-GL & RM500Q-GL and RM500Q-AE on 5G technology. Would you please support regarding this? Email:

Hello can you please send me the driver and firmware for Quectel B96 i was facing the above problem but with BG96 module.

Hi, I am also missing this driver. Can you send it to me? My email is