LC29H -DA and BS module configuration and latest firmware with documentation

Hi furkany
I will send you the firmware via message.

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Thanks for the new firmware, but now I need the protocol documentation for this new software. In the release notes under new features the module has new messages/ commands, but on the download page I do not get a document including this new features. Please send updated protocol documentation!

Thanks. Could you please check your messages reply ? I asked you something on there.

@furkany: There are no download links for firmware. You have to ask in the forum for it and hope for a quectel support member to send it to you.

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Hi intimo
Please refer to the figure below.

There are some problems with the description of <3D_AccLimit> in the document. If <3D_AccLimit> is set to “0”, the survey-in may not be completed.
It is recommended that you set <3D_AccLimit> to “2.5” or “3” in an open environment for testing and verification.

Could I get the latest firmware for DA and BS, please?

I am working on a project where the LC29H base station is sending direct RTCM using WebRTC to a rover. Before publishing the sources, I’d like to verify this with the latest firmware.

By the way, are there any plans to increase the horizontal resolution in GGA from 0.1m?

Hi phryniszak
Please confirm the firmware version on your device by sending: $PQTMVERNO*58.
In the link I saw that the module model is LC29HAA not LC29HDA or LC29HBS.

Hi george.gao

BS version: LC29HBSNR11A01S
DA version: LC29HDANR11A01S_RSA

And I thought about vertical resolution. It would be good to see it better than 0.1m in RTK


Hi phryniszak

  1. LC29HBSNR11A01S is the latest software version.
  2. LC29HDA has a newer version, I will send it to you via message.
  3. The RTK accuracy of LC29HDA is shown in the figure, 1cm+1ppm

Can you send me latest version of LC29HBS please?
Thanks guy

Hi Tu_Tang_Quang
I will send you the latest software via message.

Hi, @george.gao, @Raphael-Q,
I have firmware version $PQTMVERNO,LC29HDANR11A01S_RSA,2023/03/02,12:43:39*21
on my LC29HDA Waveshare board.
Can I have newest firmware and some guidance on it’s update?

Also, using QGNSS with rtk2go caster I was never able to get my device in Fix RTK mode, only Float RTK. The Base Station is about 30km away from receiver, anthena is about 2-3m from building faced towards clear sky, the deviation ranges up to 4 meters

@george.gao ^^ can I also have latest firmware ?


I’ve asked as well for the FW @george.gao but never received it on my ticket case.


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Please provide your email address and I will send you the relevant information via email.

Hi carlitos18
Please provide your email address and I will send you the relevant information via email.

The distance between the rover station and the base station should not exceed 15 km, otherwise the accuracy of RTK cannot be guaranteed.

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@george.gao does that mean that Receiver will never transit to Fix RTK status on such distance from the Base Station?

Lemme clarify - I’m currently evaluating Receiver and that’s the nearest available BS with free access.
The only thing I want is to see if Receiver goes into Fix RTK mode for future development of my project, which later will work with more reliable casters and BS.


  1. If the base station distance exceeds the limit, it is uncertain whether the Rover can enter fixed RTK.
  2. If you currently have an LC29HBS module, you can try to use the LC29HBS to provide RTCM data to the LC29HDA to verify whether the LC29HDA can enter fixed RTK.
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Hi @george.gao, @Raphael-Q I have similar situation to cONST. LC29HDA Waveshare board with LC29HDANR11A01S_RSA,2023/03/02,12:43:39*21 firmware. Could you send me newest firmware for this module?
Base station is 10 km away, and I cannot get fixed RTK solution.