How to get Quectel Documents

This topic is intended to introduce how to download Quectel documents. I hope this will be helpful to you. Thank you for your time.
First of all, much appreciate for your support of Quectel product.We sincerely recommend you to obtain the release document from our official website download zone(software and hardware related documents, drivers, tools etc.), ,it will be faster to help you get the reference documents.
If you are a fan of Quectel Python solutions, please visit this website:QuecPython
For firmware, we heartily recommend that you get it from your provider.
Any technical issues, welcome to post them in the corresponding category, our support team will help you as soon as possible.
We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.


i have tried to download
but the file cannot to be open …
pls help

I’ve try to set the extention exe to tgz and then I could open it.
Btw, could you tell me why you want it?

I have a new job, telemetry system…

set the extension name to tgz then use 7zip you could extract the files.

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I bought my module from ALiexpress. who will provide firmware?
I suggest you create download page for all firmwares so everybody will not bother asking everyday.


Hello,we sincerely recommend that users get the firmware from Quectel distributor or company whose products plug into Quectel module, as you bought from ALiexpress,our moderator will help you. But we are sorry to say that we are unable to put all the firmwares on forums due to the company’s strategy.Thank you for your understanding

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Hi Team,
I tried to find the document “Quectel_M95-R_Dual_SIM_Application_Notes” in your download zone but it is not available. Could you please share it?

hello, this document has not released yet, we can’t get it now

Hi Niki,
But I need to implement the SIM switching functionality on my product and it is using the M95R module. Could you please let me know which command should I use?
I tried to use the AT+QDSIM but it is not working.

@vincent.ding-Q hi vincent, please help this issue, thanks~

The M95R is single-card standby and does not support dual cards

Hi Vicent,
Then we have a serious problem, because the Quectel Sales Manager sold me the M95R as a replacement for M95FA and ALL OF YOUR DOCUMENTS (Quectel_M95&M95-R_Compatible_Design_V1.1 and Quectel_M95-R_Hardware_Design_V1.0) indicates the M95R as a dual SIM-Card. How to solve this extremely serious issue? I already have around 300 PCBs populated with M95R and the dual SIM functionality must work similar to the M95FA.

hi. I can not find doc and driver for EC800M-CN module, maybe you can help me.
my email:

hello,​What kind of doc and driver do you need? @mixo

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thank you for reply, I need AT command set and windows driver for communication to the module by uart. when I plug it it appears unknown devices on windows

hello, please check the driver in chatbox, by the way, the AT command manual has not been released yet, thanks~

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