What is the latest firmware for RM500Q-GL?

Dear @Jon_L
It supports dfota, but you need to have server to store tha dfota package, I have sent the application note to you via Massage, please check.


I’m looking to get the RM500QGLABR11A06M4G fw zip file, the QFirehose zip file, and the at command set pdf.

Thank you

Excuse me, can you provide me with your “RM500QGLABR11A06M4G” and the latest firmware, I need them. E-mail: cheng.shi@88.com

Dear @Isaac.Wang-Q, @silvia and @Peter.Zhu-Q ,

Your colleague Rosie Ji(纪梦) asked me to request a firmware update here. Could you please send the latest firmware package with corresponding instructions to 5g@nt.uni-saarland.de?
The module is RM500Q-GL with firmware revision RM500QGLABR11A06M4G.

I have already answered the questionnaire.

Dear @mihalych
I have sent them to you via Message, please check.


Can I please get a copy of the latest USB driver for Linux. I also need the Q-Connect manager and driver guide PDF. Thanks in advance.