RM520N-GL latest firmware and drivers for Windows and Linux

Dear @edwaine
I have sent them to you via Message, please follow the user giude to upgrade.

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Dear @Anthony_Trave
I have sent the latest firmware to you via Message, please check.

Hi Silvia,
Can you send to me as well? also the guide for linux.

THank you!

Hi, I’m trying to upgrade a series of 520N-GL modems. Can you sent me the latestr flash tool Com tool and fw please so the modem can be used by Linux.
I need flash instructions fro Windows.

Many thanks

Hi Silvia,

Can I send latest firmware for this module:


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That would be amazing, also flash tool en potentially instructions would be great.

Many thanks, for the files!

I have a question on the flashing: What file do i choose to flash? In QFlash I click on load files, point to the fw file but which file do I load for QFlash o be able to find the update?

Thank you

Do not look at the modem and fw version, we are only interested in the specified folder and file.

Yes, that works perfectly. For loading the files, I now get a fail on the upgrade as a timeout on com6 which is the port of the modem. It first goes thru a cycle.


It works fine now. Can I also get the latest production fw for RM500 please or is this the same file?
I have a few modems are detected in windows as “Android”, therefore I can see no com ports to flash. How do I fix this so I can flash them for use in a Linux router?

Many thanks again.

Hi @Franky ,
I don’t have this modem, so I don’t know what the current fw version is. Maybe you can find an update at this link.

I don’t use Linux, so I have no idea for a solution. I can only say that on Windows it is best to update the modem on a fresh system.

To update modem fw on the router, you must have the QFirehose package compiled. The update process is described below.

Hello Quectel Support,

Can you please send me the RM520N-GL latest firmware, latest Windows USB drivers, and update software for windows?

Thank you much!

Hello Good Day Quectel!

May I have the latest firmware of RM520N-GL and its documentation on how to upgrade using Windows? That would be a great help. I am currently using RM520NGLAAR01A05M4G_01.001.01.001. Please email me the files at cint1993@gmail.com. Thank you so much.

IceG… thanks for sharing but do you know how to install the driver to Debian10? I’ve been checking here and there for long time but I’ve no clue. :frowning:

Dear @phelixster
I have sent it to you via Message, please check.

Dear @lesb
I have sent it to you via Message, please check.

Dear @keltek
I have sent them to you via Message, please check.

I don’t know what you need, it’s missing on Debian, but you can try to use this compiled version of QFirehose >> QFirehose v1.4.15 << to update your modem.