RM520N-GL Firmware, etc

I have sent it to you,pls check

RM520NGL have sent to your email,RM520FGL no update

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I have sent it to you,pls check

Dear @herbert.pan-Q
I didnā€™t ask for RM520NGLAA01A7M4G_01.203.01.203

Plus I have already received RM520NGLAA01A8M4G_01.200.1.200 from Silvia which assumed latest one dated July 2023

Thank you very much!

203 is several revisions newer than 200.

Please look to the difference of A8 vs A7 in firmware. You can see the change log attached
Quectel_RM520N-GL-AA_Firmware_Release_Notes_V0108_01.200.01.200.pdf (903.0 KB)

Thank you for sharing the doc, I didnā€™t realize they started the rev numbers over with a A7 vs A8. I donā€™t personally need the change to A8, but itā€™s good to understand the rev number path.

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What I understood from revision numbers is in each Ax, 200 means first release and then it goes to 201,202,203 until the new Ax+1 appears. Hopefully @herbert.pan-Q can provide more accurate info.


So which of these are newer? I was given the top one (3A01 ā€¦ 202) in July, and (1A06 ā€¦ 201) in June. Does the digit that precedes the letter A the most significant digit to know the release order, or is it a specific function.

I believe R03 is different than R01, no matter what A0x is. So you must stick to your own modem R0x revision, else there would be hardware mismatch and your modem will stop functioning after wrong firmware update.
R means ā€œReleaseā€ and A means ā€œUpdateā€. Moving from a release to another release may require some special implementation instructions
So be careful of how to choose the proper firmware, best way is to send your current firmware and ask for latest available update.

Thanks, I will need the RM520NGLAAR01A08M4G_01.200.01.200 and eSIM LPAd software too, please.

Are there Windows and Linux drivers for the RM520NGLAP? Can it be used with OpenWrt? Ubuntu?

Please send the latest firmware



Can I get the latest RM520N-GL Firmware please

Revision: RM520NGLAAR01A06M4G

I have sent it to you,pls check

I have sent the latest firmware to you,pls check

I have sent it to you,pls check

Got it. Thank you. Can you help me with this too?

Please send the key for:


+QADBKEY: 34751573

done, please check in your chat box @jddebug