RM502Q-AE and at+qeth="eth_at"


How do you access AT command over ethernet interface after AT over ethernet is enabled on the RM502Q-AE module ??


+QETH: “eth_at”,“enable”


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Dear khong,
Here is a sample for RGMII AT test, include the code and the executable file(Linux X64), if you use other platform you need to recompile
RGMII_AT_Client.zip (5.8 KB)

You need send command AT+QETH="rgmii","enable",0 to enable the RGMII before you send at+qeth=“eth_at”. After that you must reboot your device. You can use ping to test the conection, if you can reach this ip address it proves that the connection is fine.
You can test AT command with this sample, just like ./RGMII_AT_Client + AT command
Hope it helps you,thanks

Thank you for the information

do you have Windows client available for this ?

we tried to use some terminal SW and connect to IP / TCP port 1555, we see message RGMII_ATC_READY, but we can not issue AT command. does this work with standard terminal software ?? if this work, then we do not need special RGMII AT client SW.


Dear khong,
Of course you can use any terminal SW to send AT command, but sending AT commands over the ethernet must follow a set of protocols, I sent you the details of the protocols via message, please check it.


thank you very much for all the information

I need agreement documentation Thanks

Can you please send me the AT protocol over RGMII information as well? Your example program even under Linux x64 does not appear to work (nothing is received back when AT commands are sent). I have sent you a message as well. Thank you.


I also would like to get the details on how to send AT commands via the RGMII connection. I’m able to telnet to the RG520N-GL modem as follows:

telnet 1555
@MBP ~ % telnet 1555                     
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Thank you.

Dear @sirozha
Please follow the steps which Bryan shared before.

Can you please send me the details?
Thank you,


Can I get these details as well please ?


When time permits, please send me the document. I want to develop in python
Thank you

Can you please send me the details?
Thank you,

I’m having same probable with RM520 can you please send me the details ?

thank you

I’ve got a working python port here:


For Windows?

I have got it working on Linux as it was shared.

I haven’t tested it on Windows (besides WSL2), but it’s very basic Python so I would expect it to work.

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Can I get the protocols needed for AT commands over ethernet? (latimergrp@gmail.com)


Can I get the RGMII protocols for AT over ethernet?

I tried to compile the RGMII_AT_Client app for Mac OS with M1 processor but I am getting the following error:

RGMII_AT_Client.c:79:8: error: call to undeclared function 'inet_aton'; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
    if(inet_aton(SERVER_IP, &server_addr.sin_addr) == 0)

anyone could help me compiling a Mac OS version?