RG502Q-EA latest version AT Commands

Hello please can i have the latest version of the AT Commands manual for my RG502Q-EA? Thanks

The AT manual is as follows:
Quectel_RG50xQ&RM5xxQ_Series_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.1.pdf (1.3 MB)

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Thanks Herbert For the reply :+1:t2:

I have a MikroTik Chateau 5g with an rg502q-ea, is there any firmware updatr? The firmware installed is RG502QEAAAR11A03M4G

Sorry, I cannot get the latest firmware now, because I am working at home, you need to wait for me to check and get the latest firmware to provide you to the company next Monday.

Okay no problem, i will wait for your response… thanks in advance :muscle:t2:

Please download it through the following link:

thanks for your answer… please can you tell me how to install it? because my rg502q-ea is part of a Mikrotik Chateau 5g

Can you also please share the firmware for the rm502q-gl m2 version , i am stuck with the .02 version thanks

Sorry, I did not find the corresponding English instruction manual of QFlash tool. I suggest you search and obtain it on our official website.

QFlash tool :https://quectel123-my.sharepoint.cn/:u:/g/personal/ae-fae_dom_quectel_com_cn/EYq84kk7yN9NiJBd3oxbXHgB8QfTjvvu9gmfKI1c7AucCw?e=HfQXOh

Thanks Herbert, can you give me the latest rm502q-gl firmware please?


Hi, could you please share the AT commands manual V1.2?
and latest firmware for RG502Q-EA link?
Thank you

Quectel_RG50xQRM5xxQ_Series_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.2.pdf (1.7 MB)

Hello please can you share the latest firmware update fo the rg502q-ea? Thanks

please download:

could you please post a changelog of firmwares R11A04 and R11A06 ? Thank you


Thank you.
Please, any advise on how to find a DFOTA firmware from R11A03 to R11A06
and a DFOTA firmware to go back from R11A06 to R11A03?
Is there any tool available to build a DFOTA firmware for RG502Q-EA?
Or can you update https://dfota.quectel.com:8443/index with the tool to build DFOTA for RG502Q-EA ?
Thank you very much

If you need DFOTA documentation, I suggest you get it from an agent or salesperson in the purchasing channel, or you describe your requirements in detail and send an email to support@quectel.com.