@herbert.pan-Q I cannot upgrade the chip set BC660K-GL. I’m using the latest Qflash software available (V6.9). Here on this screenshot, the left side is the debug port. I press down the boot button, reset the device and wait while holding the boot button. It times out every time. I’ve selected the appropriate baud rate/main port configuration. These files are all up to date, and are provided by the support team.
I tried that but the result is the same. Is there a way to send at+qsclk=0 and save that to the memory of the device? It defaults to sleep mode every time I boot it. If I could save the sleep mode parameter; maybe then I could start the device in the download mode
I’m not sure what the problem was but I think it had to do with usb port configuration in my computer. Both machines, the one in which QFlash did not work and the one in which it did, were running Windows 10.
could you provide the newest f
This is my current firmware version:
Revision: BC660KGLAAR01A05_01.001.01.001
Thank you!
I have sent it to your email,pls check,and I hope you can click the for me,thx