Quectel M66 Domain Name Issue During Get Request

Hi again. I’ve created a topic related to quectel m66 gsm module previously here and I need technical help:

So far, I can make get requests to the following link: https://app2data-default-rtdb.firebaseio.com/basket.json
But cannot make a request to this link: https://gsmprojectdb-default-rtdb.europe-west1.firebasedatabase.app/1.json

How does the domain name affect my requests? Are the hyphens causing issue here? is .app domain name unacceptable when creating requests using M66 module? I would like to make the exact .json get query to read data in my realtime database located on the central europe server of the firebase website.

Any suggestions?


I’ve resolved the issue by changing my domain. It seems like M66 cannot make requests to links ending with.app/.