Quectel eSIM/eUICC supported hardware

yes , BG600l support BIP and eSIM both

Are consumer (non-M2M) eSIMs supported?

Are there any existing LPA implementations?

@Duncan.Xu-Q does the EM160R-GL support E-SIM?

Can you please explain how to import the ESIM via the LPA string?

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Can anyone explain differences between AT+QCFG=“bip/auth”, 1/2/3 values? Besides that, with my EC21 I don’t see any difference when this config is set to 0 or 1:

  • OTA HTTPS is working fine, BIP channel is opened.
  • OTA BIP (direct channel) isn’t working, I see SMS-PP Download but OPEN Channel isn’t triggered this time by the device.

Any clue?


@Kyson can you share this updated list in 2023?

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Can you tell me what is meant by “external esim”? This is something like a variant of esim.me? Or there is something else may be cheaper and open source?

Is this a list of models that have esim built into the board ? Can you update the list for 2023 and specify which boards have built-in esim, and which need external esim? And can I know where to get this external esim for the current modems such as ec21,ec25 and others?

Hi all, here is a thread Which Quectel modems have eSIM / eUICC functionality? Do Quectel models have different levels of e-SIM support? How use e-SIM? devoted to the same question - is eSIM with e-SIM profile and all supported by respective Quectel module.

Can you who are here on this thread @kentristan.peterson @Max @Kyson @qtuser @Alessandro @AlfArbCam @larryhop @silvia can you please clarify, which of Quectel’s 5G and 4G modules support e-SIM including e-SIM profile management including downloading through the quectel_lpad tool?

The question of e-SIM support is central for any buying decision and Quectel should clarify this soonest.


Ping @Servo @Loc_Le @KvX @brown.du-Q @Duncan.Xu-Q @kpados @Stephen.Li-Q too.

Would it work for EP06-E?

I’m interested in LPA (Local Profile Agent) functioning (eSIM profiles downloading, etc.)

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