I think the latest firmware does…
I don’t know what is the matter, try some suggestion from this list.
$PAIR382,1*2E → Test command for lock system sleep enabled
$PAIR003*39 → power off GNSS system
$PAIR514*3A Clear the current configuration and restore the default settings set via $PAIR
$PAIR512*3C clear all data
$PQTMRESTOREPAR*13 # restore $PQTM params to default
$PAIR023*3B reboot module
$PAIR007*3D → Full cold start and clears system and user configurations
$PQTMGNSSSTOP*09 same of power off GNSS system
$PQTMCFGRCVRMODE,W,1*2A # set receiver to rover mode
$PQTMCFGRCVRMODE,R*32 ask & get result
$PAIR863,0,0*37 ask & get bit_mask config [♣default is $PAIR863,1791*15 (DEFAULT)]
$PQTMSAVEPAR*5A # save PQTM params to flash
###for useful $PAIR002*38 → power on GNSS system
$PAIR023*3B reboot module
$PAIR062,1,0*3F # turn off GLL messages (1
$PAIR062,2,0*3C # turn off GSA messages (2
$PAIR062,3,0*3D # turn off GSV messages (3
$PAIR062,5,0*3B # turn off VTG messages (5
$PAIR063,-1*0F ask if done: see pos. after -1 $PAIR063,-1,1,0,0,0,1,0*0F
$PQTMCFGNMEADP,W,3,8,3,3,3,3*39 -->configure ALL to MAX decimals
$PAIR050,200*21 # set pos output interval to 200 ms
$PQTMCFGFIXRATE,R*71 ask & get result
$PQTMCFGFIXRATE,W,200*6A same as set pos output interval to 200 ms
$PAIR753,1*26 enhance the PPS output timing accuracy but remove SBAS/QZSS effects)
$PQTMSAVEPAR*5A # save PQTM params to flash
$PAIR023*3B reboot module
####for testing
$PAIR410,1*22 enable sbas satellite
$PAIR410,0*23 disable
$PAIR411*3E ask
$PAIR400,2*20 enable sbas input dgps
$PAIR400,1*23 **enable rtcm correction input dgps**
$PAIR401*3F ask & get status
$PAIR035*3C get fix status
$PAIR864,0,0,460800*16 set baud
$PAIR865,0,0*31 Queries the baud of uart_port and response.
$PAIR062,0,1*3F # Keep on GGA messages
$PAIR062,4,1*3B # Keep on RMC messages
$PAIR100,1,0*3A 1: **ASCII NMEA v4.1 output** only
$PAIR511*3F\r\n Save current navigation data from RTC RAM to flash
$PAIR432,1*22\r\n ==> set RTCM3.x output with type MSM7 only in base_mode *but not save setting after reboot*
$PQTMCFGMSGRATE,W,PQTMEPE,1,2*1D how accurate is the obtained position
$PAIR862,0,0,239*22 for base_mode special bitmask
$PQTMCFGSVIN,W,2,0,0,x,y,z*<Checksum> in ecef
$PAIR604,1,0,x,y,z*<Checksum> in ecef
$PAIR604,1,1,La,Lo,H*<Checksum> in WGS84, (Lat,Lon,Height)
$PQTMCFGRTK,R*69 $PQTMCFGRTK,OK,1,1*3F $PQTMCFGRTK,W,1,1*6C default_set.
$PAIR473,1*27 Enable EPO flash aiding