LG290P - Questions about it's behaviour in Base station mode

As part of my trying to get this module to work with RTKBase software, I have some questions about it’s behaviour in Base station mode. Apparently RTKBase needs some additional NMEA information from the module for the way it works and displays stuff. This includes GGA, GLL, RMC and GSV information. So, as a test, I put the LG290P in Base station mode and then enabled those packets via the PQTMCFGMSGRATE command. Below are my results:

Apparently, when it is in Base station mode, most of that information is invalid even though it will send it. There is some satellite information, but no position information at all. Is this by intention? Is there a way to turn on that information? I know that other brand modules sends that information. I also read somewhere that the LC29H is able to do that. If so, why would the LG290P be configured to not send the information?

Salve Seng-Poh , sono contento di rispolverare programmi per gnss…
dalle descrizioni che hai fatto, devi considerare che questi programmi sono nati quando ci si vestiva con abbilgiamento svizzero … comunque, nel tuo caso,non hai bisogno di far sputare le sentenze nmea, conoscendo bene la posizione precisa della base…concentrati sull’ output rtcm piuttosto e delinea i messaggi msm magari in formato 7 compatibili con il modulo_quectel.Questi quelli compatibili:
modifica in rtkbase magari inserendo il ciclo con (10) per le info 1005 e (1) per gli altri,quarda al time offset di
fai riferimento anche a strsvr di rtklib
il parametro che va cancellato si riferisce ai chip svizzeri che hanno bisogno di convertire raw_ubx in rtcm perdendo quasi millisecondo nel timestamp.Qui STRSVR oppure STR2STR _da c.line.
Ecco perchè a volte non si riesce a fare un fix! Bisogna che base e rover siano sincronizzati su tempi accettabili per l’algoritmo ed il coprocessore_rtk.
Comunque ci sono programmi simili anche per esp32…e oltre alla porta OTA che ha suggerito Tom Mueller
ci sono anche le esp eth01…e naturalmente i programmi che ho citato in altri post.
Ancora complimenti e spero non ti dispiaccia se scrivo in madrelingua…

If you are familiar with RTKBase, that would be good. But I am not trying to configure the NTRIP service of RTKBase (yet), I am trying to use the LG290P to provide the MAIN service in RTKBase, i.e. feed RTCM3 to RTKBase so it can provide the NTRIP caster service. RTKBase can auto configure the Ublox product, but I am trying to get the LG290P in a similiar configuration so it will work as well. Based on what I read about using the LC29H with RTKBase, you need to turn on the location information in NMEA as well. But in Base station mode, the NMEA location data is not populated! No response from Quectel so far on that. The RTK messages you list are what the module accepts, but in base station mode, it only outputs the 5 RTCM3 messages I listed above.

Continuing my quest on Base station mode, here is some differences when using NTRIP from the LG290P vs a commercial NTRIP provider, just anecdotally, using Ardupilot Mission Planner.

When connected to a commercial NTRIP caster, here is what I get:

You can see that all satellites are visible, and the following RTCM messages are received: 1074, 1094, 1084, 1124, 1230, 1013, 1008, 1033, and 1006

Now, here is the same screen, but using NTRIP information from my own RTKBase station, running a Ublox F9P module:

Yuo can see it’s pretty similar, but with a few extra RTCM messages being received.

And now, when I use the LG290P in Base station mode, sending RTCM messages using QGNSS to a Caster server (caster.centipede.fr), this is what I get:

You notice that only RTCM 1005 are received and no information on other satellites. I get the same result with two different caster servers, so it must be what the LG290P is sending. From QGNSS, I can see that it is receiving 1005, 1124, 1074, 1084 and 1094 from the LG290P, but why are the Caster servers not seeing or resending them?

Ma se ti occorre soltanto un servizio di caster, configura direttamente rtcm3_msm5 quelli con finale 7 oltre alla 1005 che è la posizione_base;per prendere familiarità con rtkbase devi guardare a rtklib che è l’archetipo poi migliorato da Tim com rtklibexplorer.Per i sistemi embedded è molto utile e facile usare str2str e la procedura per compilare in arm (orange & pi) è descritta in rtklibexplorer,o meglio descritta qui community.emlid.com
è un piccolissimo file dalla potenza enorme…con la giusta sintassi…che puoi riversare su qualsiasi caster gratuito.Questo è il file compilato per orangepizero:
str2str.zip (1.0 MB)
questi sono esempi di streaming:
#str2str -in serial://ttyS1:115200:8:n:1:off -out tcpsvr://:400 &
#str2str -in tcpcli:// -out tcpcli:// &
#str2str -in tcpcli:// -out tcpsvr://:400 &
#str2str -in tcpcli:// -out ntrips://:688gab@caster.emlid.com:2101/MP2394
#str2str -in tcpcli:// -out ntrips://:688gab@caster.emlid.com:2101/MP2394
#str2str -in tcpcli:// -out file:///root/Desktop/rawS_L05.raw
#str2str -in tcpcli:// -out tcpcli://

come vedi ci sono infinite possibilità…
Un pubblico ringraziamento al prof.T.Takasu a Tim Everett e allo staff di Emlid , oltre a tutti coloro che hanno pubblicato come Stefal, J,Ancelin e tanti altri non menzionati…

…correggo msm7 non 5…(quectel_forum non fa correggere dopo n_sec)
leggo solo ora le schermate ardupilot, anche questo purtroppo fu cucito sul manichino svizzero…
chiedi nel forum a Yuri Rage dovrebbe saperne di più…
Per quanto riguarda i messaggi rtcm li devi controllare con un get relativo a ogni messaggio, ma se qgnss li vede vuol dire che il server di “uscita” non è configurato bene; si tratta comunque di un protocollo che deve funzionare universalmente…

I have already tried enabling most of the RTCM messages on the LG290P without much success. The module sends them but it’s not clear if they are being sent to the NTRIP server by QGNSS. Using the LG290P to feed NTRIP servers is just very inconsistent. Sometimes it will achieve RTK Fix, and other times it won’t. I am just a retired hobbyist trying to get it to work with my applications. I don’t want to get into the weeds with RTK technically as I have a bunch of other things to play with. However, it may seem that I have no choice but to do it since not many people are playing with it this way.

Ha ha, Yuri and I have crossed paths before on ardupilot scripting. I know he was working on his mower, but is he also an expert on RTK?

I have no way of checking if the QGNSS sends all the RTCM messages it receives from the module. On one of the free NRIP servers, I found that you could configure which messages to send, and I enabled all the ones I see the module sending. However, the Mission Planner screen still doesn’t show all the messages.

BTW @bamarcant, I appreciate all the input. I apologize if I don’t always understand what you are suggesting. The auto translation is not always the best. The support folks seem to have gone quiet so it looks like I’m on my own…It’s a pity as if they supported this module properly in all these popular applications, it might be a good alternative to the leading player…

I realize and understand your frustration…
Unfortunately, playing with these things takes time, passion and willpower.
Again, if rtkbase is not satisfactory you have to start over. At the time there were some excellent guides (which unfortunately have been updated) a bit like Ms-dos that moved to windows…a user today is not interested in basic instructions but has everything ready and packaged…
I can send U links but they are not certainly fast fashion, you have to cut and sew them to measure…
links.txt (1.5 KB)

Thanks for the links @bamarcant. Don’t get me wrong, as a hobby, I WILL take the time and go down the path and dig deep into areas, but I have to choose which ones. In this case, I don’t want to become an expert on RTK protocols and RTK programs just to get a working solution. Remember, everything I need all works with the F9P, this was just a side project to see if the LG290P could be an alternative.

When I have no more projects to play with, or when I need a challenge, maybe I will go down this path… :slight_smile: I DID post a feature request on RTKBase Github page though…I understand someone has integrated the LC29H and hopefully they pick up the LG290P too…

So, with some help from the RTKBase community, I was able to get RTKBase working with the LG290P. I was doing 99% of the things right but was missing one small detail, which I won’t mention, because it’s embarrasing! Basically execute the following commands on your LG290P after entering Base station mode from factory default:


$PQTMCFGMSGRATE,W,RTCM3-1005,0*59     - This disable 1005 because RTKBase will send from the set base co-ordinates.

Save and reboot and you can connect to RTKBase. Set your Main Service receiver protocol to rtcm3, and set the correct bit rate and base co-ordinates.

Salut, j’ai une question avez vous essayé le LG29OP avec Galileo HAS ?

Ciao Paulo, non ho provato ancora, avevo chiesto la registrazione al servizio ma mi è stata rifiutata…
noto che è ancora in fase di perfezionamento.Ho trovato della documentazione utile qui:
L’università National Land Survey of Finland (Maanmittauslaitos) aveva anche installato un ntrip_caster dedicato a E6 …
comunque bisogna ottenere un decodificatore:
GitHub - nlsfi/HASlib: Galileo High Accuracy Service decoder library e sperare che @rtklibexplorer includa la libreria per calcolare la soluzione.
In Giappone con qzss L6 avevano già maturato questo risultato…
Ti saluto

Galileo HAS is supported properly only on Unicore UM980 receiver, and only with the latest firmware version (which one can download from sparkfun github or ardusimple site).
It does not work on Unicore UM981.
For LG290P i can’t even get the latest firmware version for my 2 boards, which does not support HAS anyway.

Salut Marco et Helg je connais quelqu’un que utilise Galileo HAS et effectivement c’est un module ardusimple Unicorecomm UM980. C’est dommage que le lg290P ne prend pas encore en charge Galileo HAS.

I am reviving this discussion because in your latest messages you address the question of Galileo’s HAS. This subject intrigues me. To explain my project to you, I would like to the LG290P and a HAS correction, create a mobile base.
However, I receive conflicting information on the module’s ability to process this data. Have you made any progress on the use of Galileo HAS with the LG290P?
In another chat, someone said support was available. Here you seem to be saying that as of October 31 this was not the case.
In my test, I haven’t been able to get a fix. Well, honestly, I don’t know what I managed to get or not. Unable to use my module connected to both my antenna and my computer outdoors, I had to settle for using Gnss master on a smartphone outdoors, or putting my antenna out the window with poor sky visibility.
Via QGNSS, the E6 band appears in the graph, but I’m not sure where to look to see if the module interprets this signal as a correction provider.
Via smartphone, connected to the GNSS master, I left my module running for half an hour. When I look at the status I am in DGNSS. It is impossible to know whether this result comes from the SBAS or the HAS. When I switch to MAPIT GIS to check the accuracy, I am several meters away (I also have this problem when connected to an NTRIP server).
I therefore remain stunned