LG290P: data via uart

Hmm, maybe I didn’t wait long enough. But with RTK Fix, I can verify that I have few cm accuracy, with repeatability, so I am not sure how accurate that parameter is anyway.

This is why I insert both the microprocessor model, as well as any library versions in my code comments. You won’t remember, so put the current information in the code. So far, they have done a good job at making older versions available, so even if you upgrade, if you have the version information, you can always downgrade.

All may not be lost. Are there visible signs of any chip being fried? If so, post a picture…

Ok @splee, for sure the LEDs are burned out.
To the eye it appears intact and seems to connect to Qgnss but I am not receiving data and it does not seem to respond to console commands.
Can anything be done to verify the complete death of the module?
greetings and thanks

Yes, nothing obvious burnt up. So, when you apply power to Vcc, the power LED doesn’t light up? Why do you say it seems to connect to QGNSS if you are not receiving data?

If you have a volt meter, try this. Measure the voltages on each of the pins of the chip marked in yellow below, while applying power. One lead of volt meter to ground, and the other lead to each pin at a time. If the regulator chip is working, one pin should be the same voltage as your Vcc in, and one pin should be 3.3v. If you don’t see 3.3v, then the regulator is dead.

You can also measure the voltage at the LC29H module itself, pin 23. Should be 3.3v if the regulator is working.

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Ok @splee, I have a tester with somewhat coarse tips to measure those very small pins. I measured the voltage of the component with the yellow box which has 3 pins on one side and 2 pins on the other.
It starts with 3 pins: the first and last indicate the same voltage or 3.3 or 5v depending on the power supply while the central one has no voltage.
It starts with 2 pins: I don’t read voltage in either of them.
Even pin 23 (very small for my test leads) has no voltage (if I read correctly but I’m not an expert).
You’re right about the connection to QGNSS, in reality the software connects to the TLL adapter and works even if I disconnect the wire that connects it to the GPS. Since the module didn’t cost me too much, I’m patient: I learned something for the future. To tell the truth, I don’t know what he did: “maybe” I inserted the 5V connector coming out of the adapter to the TX or RX pin of the GPS (it was for a few seconds because I unplugged it immediately but the frying was already served) .
Greetings and thanks again!

Well, if you are feeding 5V into the module and only read 5V on the 5 pin component, with no pin reading 3.3v, then it would indicate it is fried and there is no 3.3v on the board. And you say pin 23 on the LC29H has no voltage, which is consistent with that.

Are you able to see the markings on the 8 pin component? I can’t find the schematic for this board, so can’t figure out what it is. There is no USB on this board, so what could it be?

I don’t read anything on the 4 pin component. I tested the voltage in the two parts (I’m powering it with 5v),
First part (opposite to the lc29hda chip) in two pins (the central ones) I have 3.3v. In the other 2 no tension.
Second part: all 4 pins have no voltage.

If you are powering with 5V, then you SHOULD see 5V on one of the pins on the 5 pin device (marked yellow). It doesn’t make sense to see 3.3v on one of the pins without having 5V on one of the other pins…

I made a mistake in writing 4 pins: in my previous message I was talking about the 8 pin component (4 on each side) where in 2 central pins I read 3.3v compared to 5v power supply.
But it’s not a problem if the module is defunct.
Thanks @splee for your interest!

Well, it’s strange because if you have 3.3v on the board, the power LED should light. It is just connected to 3.3v and ground via a resistor.

@falajons I found out that SW Maps uses the NMEA GST message in order to display the ‘accuracy’. The LC29HEA supports that message, but apparently the LG290P does not (I have a question in to george about that). So I’m not sure how you got those numbers, but obviously they are wrong. I enabled GST in my ‘other’ brand module, and SW Maps nows immediately displays the accuracy.

Thanks @splee, I noticed this problem too. Telling the truth is the alternative software to “sw maps” i.e. “gnss master” which tells me in big letters in the gnss data screen. I also looked in the manual but as you said there is no trace. Let’s hope @george says something about this. Greetings and thanks again