LG290P: data via uart

You THE MAN, @tomrm! From my quick tests, this code works fine at 460800, with all satellites staying rock solid. AND, BLE now works with iOS devices, which is what I really wanted.

I see you disabled the console writes (which I had tried also) but it appears that activating the 2nd core is what did the trick. Well done!

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I see that I am always the last wheel of the cart. Despite Tomrm’s suggestions, I was unable to compile his sketch unfortunately!.
I reduced the baud rate of lg290p to 115200 and with the simplest sketch (the one I managed to install without problems - Evandro Copercini 2018 - classic Bluetooth) I still see a certain instability in the satellite situation.
I am therefore very interested in the Tomrm version: tell me step by step what I can do to solve it? Without saying it, I’m a novice with the Arduino idea.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks to everyone who replied!

@falajons Basically, in your Arduino IDE, you need to use version 2.0.17 of the esp32 espressif board manager in order to compile it without errors. In order to check, you select the IDE sidebar item marked in yellow below:


Then you search for esp32 and you should see the version you currently have, most likely 3.0.5. You uninstall it, and then select 2.0.17 to install and that should do it. I don’t know if the version of the IDE affects it, but I was able to compile it with 2.3.2

Well, I finally succeeded: thanks to you @splee for the assistance and thanks to @tomrm for programming and sharing the sketch.
After changing PC I redid the uninstallation procedure of version 3.0.5 and reinstalling 2.0.17 of esp32 solved the problem.
I tried it at home (it’s now 9.45pm where I come from) and the connection seems to work.
To verify the functioning with the data I have to wait until tomorrow morning.
I inserted the sketch into two esp32 modules.
I also changed the reference to the rx and tx pins for an esp32 module (I put 2 and 4 instead of 16 and 17 - I hope I didn’t make a mistake).
I take this opportunity to ask the following question: could the sketch work on an esp32 mini (c3)? But the “minis” only have, if I’m not mistaken, the ble.
Greetings and thank you very much again

Shouldn’t be an issue using most io pins, but check the diagram below to be sure:

Your board may be different, but the pin definitions should be the same.

The esp32 C3 does support both WIFi and BLE but it only has 1 core processor while the esp32 has 2, and the two better software use both processor, so the code won’t work as is.

Ok Tomrm’s sketch works (thanks again) but I still have the usual “ballet” of satellites.
What could be wrong with it!? I attach the video!


Strange, it should be rock solid now, only varying by one or two. At least you can still get RTK Fix, though.

What esp32 board are you using? Make sure your CPU frequency is set for 240Mhz and no OTA.

Thanks for your interest: I don’t remember the exact model but I’ve attached the photo.
It’s the wroom 32 in the center of the photo.
Yes, I reach the fix but it comes and goes, i.e. very unstable
How do I set the CPU frequency to 240 MHz!?

Taking this to PM, since this is not really Quectel or LG290P related…

OK @splee, thanks again.
My problems are rightly not strictly related to quectel and the lg290p module.
What do you mean “I’ll PM him”.?
So where can I still contact you and take advantage of your suggestions!?

Check your messages on this Forum…

Here we go @splee! Thanks to your help I solved the problem of connecting via Bluetooth with both the LC29HEA and the LG290P.
I must also thank the author of the sketch very much, namely Mr. Tomrm. I am thrilled with your solution. Without your help I would have been content to wander around the countryside with the GPS attached to my cell phone by wire.
I apologize to Mr. @splee because I made him work because of my inabilities.
I’ll tell you this: as I said a few days ago I saw the satellites “flashing” in SW maps.
I discovered that when I changed the reference to the tx1 pin on the n. 2 I didn’t realize that in the sketch a few lines below the same pin (n. 2) was assigned to “ledpin”!
I ask @splee if he can show me an alternative contact to this forum because I have a question about an esp32 wroom mini module similar to the one I saw in the photos of its configuration.
Thank you again and thanks also to Bamarcante and Jadilson_Motta.

Hah @falajons, very good catch! You DID mention that you were using pins 2 and 4, but no one noticed that it was the LED pin, which was being used by the program. I had actually sent you another simple version of the BT (non BLE) only code by forum private message, which was optimzed to work at full speed too. It doesn’t use the LED, so it probably would have solved the problem too. But then, we would still be wondering what the issue was!

Ah ok @splee, I’m sorry but I didn’t have the opportunity or time to try your classic bluetooth only version but I saved it and put it in the safe. I will try it soon also because I bought an LC29Hda module (it’s on the way).
Regarding your hardware solution for LG290P in the photo you posted I only see (pins used) where you have attached/connected three wires but not the fourth wire because it is hidden.
Greetings and thank you very much for your interest and availability.

Yes, there are 4 wires. Black for GND, Red for Vcc, Yellow and Blue for the serial UART lines.

Ok, I ask for the rx and tx wires where you soldered them on your esp32 module (it should be similar to the one in my photo).
I’ll try to guess: RX on IO16 and TX on IO17 (or IO04?). Thank you

You can use other pins, but I used the following pins:

#define TX1_PIN 16
#define RX1_PIN 4

I also used the GND and VCC connections nearby, as marked in yellow below:

Well @falajons, I have some good news for you. Since my issues have been resolved, I’ve been going through cleaning up stuff. I’ve been looking at the various code and managed to get a BLE only UART bridge working on the esp32 C3, based on tomrm’s code. It is only single core but it turns out that most of the work was being done by the uart buffer so it works fine at 460800 bps:

The esp32 C3 doesn’t support classical BT, so this version only supports BLE. It works fine on my iOS device but my old Android tablet doesn’t support BLE so I can’t test it on Android. I understand that later Android versions also supports BLE, so if you have one of those devices, perhaps you can test it out?

Here is the code:

/* esp32 C3 BLE UART Bridge

   Use this Code with ESP32 C3 Supermini. Tested to run up to 460800 bps on single core
   LED lights when BLE is connected, but doesn't flash with data

   Needs to be compiled with board library esp32 expressif V2.0.17


#include <BLEDevice.h>         // Library for BLE Bluetooth
#include <BLE2902.h>

// Change to your desired pin, but check data sheet first
#define TX1_PIN 2
#define RX1_PIN 3

#define LED_PIN 8

#define BLE_NAME      "TEST_RTK"  // Name of the ESP32 BLE for iOS
#define UART_BAUDRATE 460800
#define CONSOLE_RATE  115200

// BLE UUIDs for the Nordic UART Service (NUS)
#define SERVICE_UUID           "6E400001-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E"
#define CHARACTERISTIC_UUID_RX "6E400002-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E"
#define CHARACTERISTIC_UUID_TX "6E400003-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E"

BLEServer* pServer = NULL;
BLECharacteristic* pTxCharacteristic = NULL;
BLECharacteristic* pRxCharacteristic = NULL;
bool bleDeviceConnected = false;
bool oldBleDeviceConnected = false;
bool sentOnce = false;

// Callback class for BLE
class MyServerCallbacks : public BLEServerCallbacks {
    void onConnect(BLEServer* pServer) {
      bleDeviceConnected = true;
      Serial.println("BLE device connected.");
      digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);

    void onDisconnect(BLEServer* pServer) {
      bleDeviceConnected = false;
      Serial.println("BLE device disconnected.");
      digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
class MyCallbacks: public BLECharacteristicCallbacks {            // This callback sends BLE data to UART
    void onWrite(BLECharacteristic* pCharacteristic) override {
        std::string value = pCharacteristic->getValue();
        if (value.length() > 0) {
            Serial1.write((uint8_t*)value.c_str(), value.length());

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);

  // Initialize UART with baud rate
  Serial1.begin(UART_BAUDRATE, SERIAL_8N1, RX1_PIN, TX1_PIN);

  // BLE initialization for IOS devices
  pServer = BLEDevice::createServer();
  pServer->setCallbacks(new MyServerCallbacks());
  BLEService* pService = pServer->createService(SERVICE_UUID);
  pTxCharacteristic = pService->createCharacteristic(
                        BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ |
  pTxCharacteristic->addDescriptor(new BLE2902());
  pRxCharacteristic = pService->createCharacteristic(
  pRxCharacteristic->setCallbacks(new MyCallbacks());
  BLEAdvertising *pAdvertising = BLEDevice::getAdvertising();
  Serial.println("BLE started and advertising sent.");

void loop() {
  if (bleDeviceConnected && !oldBleDeviceConnected) {
    oldBleDeviceConnected = bleDeviceConnected;
  if (!bleDeviceConnected && oldBleDeviceConnected) {
    oldBleDeviceConnected = bleDeviceConnected;
    Serial.println("Advertising restarted.");

  // Receive data from UART buffer and forward to BLE (iOS). BLE to UART direction is handled in callback

  while (Serial1.available()) {
    size_t len = Serial1.available();
    uint8_t buffer[len];
    Serial1.readBytes(buffer, len);

    if (bleDeviceConnected) {
      pTxCharacteristic->setValue(buffer, len);
      pTxCharacteristic->notify(); // Send data to connected iOS device
      sentOnce = false;
    } else {
      if (sentOnce == false) {
        Serial.println("No BLE device connected. Data not being forwarded.");
        sentOnce = true;

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Ah well, it turns out my android tablet DOES support BLE, and I can use a Terminal program to connect using BLE and see that data:

However, SW Maps for Android doesn’t seem to have to option to select the BLE device, so I can’t use BLE, just classical BT. Oh well, I guess the esp32 C3 option is just for iOs users :slight_smile:

I only remembered the terminal program recently while testing. It was useful to see the data and verify all the checksums at the end, so I know no packets were being corrupted. Before , using the non-optimized code, you could see lines that didn’t have checksums and other ill-formed lines from the bridge not being able to keep up.

Excellent @splee: good and generous!
I hope to have the opportunity to reduce my debt with you if you come to my area (Italy) but perhaps you are a little too “hands off”.

At that time:

  1. I loaded your latest sketch onto two esp32 c3 minis without problems;
  2. with my mobile phone (S21 Samsung) I see that there is a new Bluetooth connection but when I “pair” nothing is paired (unfortunately) and I can’t use it with the GNSS apps;
  3. I attach a screenshot

Yes, I realize that I always have problems unfortunately…
Be patient!