LC29H (EA) RTCM3 out?


does the EA version of the LC29H support raw data output via RTCM3 or is it only available to the BS model?
I have a module with the following firmware $PQTMVERNO,LC29HEANR11A03S_RSA,2023/10/31,16:52:14*2B
The corresponding pair commands do not seem to respond (pair432, pair436) , rtk via rtcm3 injection works flawlessly and other commands.

thanks in advance

Best regards

Bruno Gouveia

Maybe this can help:

thanks bamarcant, it’s definitely interesting but no, there’s nothing about rtcm3 output in that document

Here is a blog post that answers your question:

Configuring the Quectel LC29HEA receiver for real-time RTK solutions

The base station was configured as such:

$PQTMRESTOREPAR*13 # restore PQTM params to default and reset
$PQTMCFGRCVRMODE,W,2*29 # set receiver to base mode
$PQTMSAVEPAR*5A # save PQTM params to flash
# manually power cycle module
$PAIR432,1*22 # output RTCM3 MSM7 messages
$PAIR434,1*24 # output RTCM3 antenna position (1005)
$PAIR062,0,01*0F # Enable NMEA GGA message
$PQTMCFGSVIN,W,2,0,0,x,y,z*3B # set base location in XYZ coords
$PQTMSAVEPAR*5A # save PQTM params to flash
# manually power cycle module

thank you WiFiLuke

that did it

Best regards

Bruno Gouveia

Once again a great job of Tim Everett
Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for the @ , I should have checked to see if the author had an account on this forum.

@rtklibexplorer Thank you for the great blog!

@george.gao @Raphael-Q (@ any other Quectel staffers), @rtklibexplorer brings up a good point in his blog post linked above. On an LC29H(EA) running version LC29HEANR11A03S_RSA,2023/10/31,16:52:14 when I set the RTCM output to MSM7 using the $PAIR432,1 command, it works as intended. However the $PAIR513 and/or $PQTMSAVEPAR commands seem to be saving the configuration to output MSM4 messages rather than MSM7 after a power cycle.

Is this a known bug? Is there fixed firmware? Is there a work around other than running $PAIR432,1 on every boot?


It seems to be due to the PQTMCFGRCVRMODE settings…in (2) base mode,
relating to a set of preset PQTM proprietary instructions, despite
the module is based on the AG3335A chip and supports native PAIR commands, the module do not output RTCM messages in 0 and 1 setup.

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