Info FC41D in BLE peripheral mode

hi @Harshal_Patil
Can you please share snip of example configuring MTU in peripheral mode ?


HI Waleed, I’m trying the example given in FC41D doc and trying to set it as Peripheral Mode and after that I’m using Nordic UART service for and through that verifying if able to send the data from fc41d to application but for short length data reply is Ok and for Long data throwing an error so tried to set AT+QBLECFGMTU but again thrown error and also for AT+QBLECFGMTU? where we check MTU size.

This is Config I’m using after that it’s throwing an issue while doing AT+QBLECFGMTU. My firmware version is on A006. Please Clarify me if we can set AT+QBLECFGMTU in Peripheral Mode or do I have to config it in Central Mode and then only can do it. Or I’m messing up with my fw version.

hi @Harshal_Patil
Please set FC41D in central mode and try to configure the MTU

Hi Waleed after configuring fc41d as peripheral device how can we modify it’s characteristics

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