Dear customer,
Thank you for your support of Quectel products.
In order to be more convenient for you to get new standard firmware, we would like to recommend you reach out to mailbox and share the following information for better support(only for firmware). If you purchased the terminal device, we sincerely suggest that you can contact the seller for help first, they may provide better support.
1-Your Company Name(if you are not an Individual developer)
2- R&D location(City)
3- From where you bought Quectel module
4- Your current firmware version(command:ATI)
We will have dedicated engineers to support you.
If you want to get the QuecOpen SDK, please refer to this post.
For technical issues, welcome to continue to communicate on the forums.
jason hanson, fairfax, sc usa. bought off amazon
want firmware if needed. having all kinds of connection issues. windows 11 pro with at&t sim
I see so many people asking for firmware and drivers and the response has been absolutely terrible. I went to your downloads area and it is absolutely 100 percent unclear which is which. You have so many usb drivers that are not labeled for what modem card they support. This level of support is unacceptable and based on this, I would recommend almost any other vendor that can handle a snapdragon comm module.
I have the same question another person has which is "I need windows driver for the RM530N-GL and your incredibly unhelpful response is to say “download the ndis drivers” How lazy. Make a download that is labeled with the card the drivers support and put it in the download area.
Also, what is the problem with you guys getting certified with Verizon for the 530 already? I tried to activate and they said it was an unsupported devices.
My impressions so far of Quectel are poor to the say the least. Do better.
Also, the pricing for your dev board for this modem is offensive. 2 grand for the privilege of getting a QTM545 module connected is plain rude.
I have a quectel module that is not responding to the AT+QCFG=“usbnet” as expected. So I thought I would get the newest firmware and check again.
1-Your Company Name(if you are not an Individual developer)
Michelle Vickrey with AssetWatch
2- R&D location(City)
Lafayette, IN (Columbus, OH)
3- From where you bought Quectel module
Received as a test kit from rep Thomas Wied
4- Your current firmware version(command:ATI)
[2024-12-27 12:04:25:522_R:] ATI