GNSS LG290P latest FW


can I have the latest FW for the GNSS LG290P module? Can I also have documentation?
I’ve purchased the module online and I have the following EVB.


@george.gao Morning any feedback?

Moreover, my email address is

Waiting your feedback

The forum search says latest firmware is


but it is not available as a file :wink:

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Hi @Helg
LG290P03AANR01A03S is the latest version.

Hi @carlitos18
I have sent you the relevant information via email, please check.

Hi @george.gao ,
my 2 MOZIHAO boards have old LG290P03AANR01A02S firmware.

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Hi @Helg
I have sent you the relevant information via email, please check.

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Hi @george.gao
thanks for your great support!

Thanks @george.gao for support.

@george.gao can I also get the latest firmware for LG290P?

@george.gao if you come back here, I’m interested too :slight_smile: Thanks

Hi @2M2C @gvi70000
I have sent you the relevant information via email, please check.

Thank you George for your quick support.
Best regards,

Great, thank you very much :slight_smile:

Please, please, mee too :slight_smile:
Thank you

Hi @Ladislav_Hovorka
I have sent you the relevant information via email, please check.

can I also get the latest firmware for LG290P?

Hi @igor.hubka00
I have sent you the relevant information via email, please check.
The upgrade tool is large, please download it from the following path: QGNSS_V2.0_CN | 移远通信

Is the latest firmware on the site or only through forum?

I flashed V4 firmware tonight. Is there anyway to get 3 decimal accuracy for GST messages? If we get that this chip is ready to rock and roll surveying.

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