Getting LG290P to work with RTKBase software

This is more of a suggestion than a problem. I have been using Stefal’s excellent RTKBase station software as my local Base station:

GitHub - Stefal/rtkbase: Your own GNSS base station for RTK localization with a Web GUI

It is currently set up to support only two brands of GNSS modules. I have given it a shot to try to get the LG290P working with it, but have been unsuccessful so far. It appears to accept the raw RTCM3 messages, but it seems to want more from the module than the LG290P is sending. In particular, the other module is able to send it’s real time location along with the correction data so that station can show up on a map. I’m not familiar enough with the protocol to know what it is missing.

The source code and documentaion is open source, so I think if some application engineers from Quectel can take a shot at adapting it to work with the LG290P, that could result in additional opportunity for the LG290P.

Someone more knowledgeable than me in the community may eventually get it working anyway, as the LG290P is a good economical alternative to the dominant player out there, but I think Quectel is probably most qualified to do it.

Anyway, just a thought…

Hi @splee
Thanks for the suggestion, I am syncing this information with my internal software engineer.

Thanks @george.gao, but I have already got it working with help from the RTKBase community . :slight_smile:

Hello, the initialization command with known coordinates is not working $PQTMCFGSVIN,W,1,3600,1.2,X,Y,Z*01

The Fixed mode ( = 2) requires user to manually enter the receiver position

…the manual has misunderstanding example.