Testing with LG290P in Rover and Base station mode. Need some help

Ok, so I was able to use the NTRIP server feed function of QGNSS to send RTCM3 corrections to a public caster server (caster.centipede.fr) and then use NTRIP from that caster to my rover and achieve RTK fix. The accuracy was equivalent to the commercial NTRIP server that I normally use, which is good.

For those trying to do the same thing, this is all I did:

  • Reset to factory with:

  • Set to Base station mode with:

  • Set survey-in mode to fixed mode and antenna location with:
    I have accurate location of my antenna, so I used fixed mode.

  • Save configuration with $PQTMSAVEPAR*5A and reboot

So, while this appears to work ok, I would still ike to use the local caster if possible. The option appears to be there in QGNSS but the setup doesn’t seem to be fully implemented.