Firmware for RM502Q-AE

Hi herbert, can you please send me the most recent firmware for RM500Q-AE, RM502Q-AE and RM520N-GL along with latest Windows MBIM driver (possibly Quectel_Windows_USB_Driver(Q) Though I am able to get a data connection using the 1.0 MBIM driver found in Download Zone after configuring on another device with the standard Quectel_LTE&5G_Windows-USB_Driver_V2.2.4, the COM ports are not recognized for these modems with that 1.0 MBIM driver, so I’m hoping the newer one will support both MBIM and allow me to see the control ports without needing to swap back and forth between drivers.

Hi Herbert,

I think you missed my request above - could you please send me latest firmware for RM502Q-AE? My current firmware is: RM502QAEAAR11A04M4G_01.004.01.004

Thank you,

Bump — several missing response here. Herbert or other Quectel reps, is this thread dead, and do we need to start another one? Please advise. I’d like to get the above firmware requested a few days ago for my three RM*** modems.

Can you please send me the latest firmware for RM502Q-AE?
My current FW is RM502QAEAAR11A02M4G_01.002.01.002

Thanks in advance!


Please send us the latest firmware release with the support of e-SIM Capability.


Give us the link to download - Windows/Linux Ubuntu Driver & Flash Tool.



Can you please send me the latest firmware for RM502Q-AE?
My current FW is RM502QAEAAR13A02M4G_01.001.01.001

Thanks in advance!

@herbert.pan-Q If you’ve sent via email, I’ve not seen it in my inbox or spam even.

Hi! I recently purchased a RM-502Q-AE module.

Can I please get the following?

  1. Drivers for both Windows and Linux
  2. Latest firmware files
  3. Manuals that include instructions on how to upgrade firmware and install drivers


Maybe my drivers and tools can help you

Thanks @ShortyPTG. Just sent a request for access.

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Hello again @shivang25
I put it public, try again and see if it works now.
Any doubts, I’ll be glad to help you.

Have a nice evening, :slight_smile:

I have sent it to the email,pls check

I have sent it to the email,pls check

I have sent it to the email,pls check

@herbert.pan-Q is there a newer FW then RM502QAEAAR13A03M4G ?


May I please get the latest firmware for the RM502Q-AE module? Thank you!

Hi Herbert,

Thank you for providing the firmware. Can I please also request the correct Qflash software and NDIS drivers for RM502Q-AE?

Thank you,


@herbert.pan-Q Please share with us the latest firmware RM502Q-AE with eSIM Capability + Flash Tool + Windows/Linux Driver.

Thanks a lot.


RM502Q-AE have eSIM support?

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Have a nice day

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