Establishing MQTT connection using M2M Sim with EC200U - CN (PPP mode)


I am using EC200U-CN module for enabling LTE. We are using M2M sim to establish connection to our MQTT server. But am not able to connect to the server using normal GPRS sequence.

I came across this query in forum - which mentions that I need to establish PPP mode to transfer data using the M2M sim.

Can someone guide me with PPP mode in M2M sim to initiate data communication through MQTT.
FYI: My email id is:

Do you prefer the open scheme or the standard scheme? Can an ordinary sim card connect to an MQTT server? Finally, to use the MQTT function, data dial-up is required first. After the successful registration of one line of data dial-up, MQTT connection parameters can be configured

What is the difference between open scheme & standard scheme? Yes, an ordinary SIM is able to connect to MQTT sever and able to pub & sub data.

Would you be kind enough to explain data dial-up?

The data dial-up is to create a PDP connection, and the standard version is to configure the APN using the AT command, connect to the PDP, and use the API to set it up in the open scheme.

Sorry, its not clear to me still. Can you please elaborate on the open scheme and standard scheme? When should I configure for MQTT…before setting ppp connection or after setting up ppp connectin?

Data dial up is successful for me. I got a CONNECT response for ATD*99#. After that what should I do? I want to configure the MQTT parameters before connecting to MQTT server. But I am not able to find the right sequence. Can you help me?

I have attached the sequence of AT command sent and corresponding responses which I got for your ref.

I (11105) UART: AT Command sent : AT+CPIN?

I (12115) UART: Received Response -


I (12115) UART: Received string :


I (12115) UART: Sim is active!!
I (12125) UART: ==========================================

I (12125) UART: AT Command sent : AT+CREG?

I (13135) UART: Received Response -
+CREG: 0,1


I (13135) UART: Received string :
+CREG: 0,1


I (13135) UART: Sim is active!!
I (13145) SLAVE_DEVICE: Registered to network successfully!!!

I (13145) SLAVE_DEVICE: ==========================================

I (13155) UART: AT Command sent : AT+CGREG?

I (14155) UART: Received Response -
+CGREG: 0,1


I (14155) UART: Received string :
+CGREG: 0,1


I (14155) UART: Connected to PS nw successfully!!
I (14165) SLAVE_DEVICE: Registered to PS Network successfully!!!

I (14165) SLAVE_DEVICE: ==========================================

I (14175) UART: AT Command sent : AT+CGDCONT=1,“IP”,“

I (15185) UART: Received Response -

I (15185) UART: Received string :

I (15185) UART: Connected to APN successfully!!

I (15185) SLAVE_DEVICE: Connected to APN succeesfully!!!

I (15195) SLAVE_DEVICE: ==========================================

I (15205) UART: AT Command sent : AT+CGATT=1

I (16205) UART: Received Response -

I (16205) UART: Received string :

I (16205) UART: Connected to APN!!

I (16205) SLAVE_DEVICE: Attached to Network successfully!!!

I (16215) UART: AT Command sent : AT+CGACT=1,1

I (17275) UART: Received Response -

I (17275) UART: Received string :

I (17275) UART: PDP Context activated successfully!!!

I (17275) SLAVE_DEVICE: PDP Context activated successfully

I (17285) UART: AT Command sent : ATD*99#

I (18295) UART: Received Response -

I (18295) UART: Received string :

I (18295) UART: PPP initiated successfully!!
I (18295) SLAVE_DEVICE: PPP initiated successfully!!!

I (18305) SLAVE_DEVICE: ==========================================

I (19315) UART: AT Command sent : +++
I (21315) UART: Received Response -

I (22315) UART: No response received!!!
I (23315) UART: No response received!!!
I (24315) UART: No response received!!!
I (25315) UART: No response received!!!
I (26315) UART: No response received!!!

From here, it looks like the sim card has been registered to the network and needs to be set up for data dialing. Finally, perform the MQTT configuration. I have emailed you the MQTT connection information about OPEN, please check it.

hi could i get the mqtt connection information… my mail id:

Hi Kelly, can you please send me the MQTT connection using AT commands information over mail?

Hi Kelly can you please send me the MQTT connection using AT commands information over mail?