EG25-G upgrade failed, stuck in fastboot

Hi Quectel Support,

Recently upgrading my batches of EG25-G but one the device failed “FAIL, DL_Firehose, Time out!” suspect usb disconnected.
Currently the failed EG25-G is stucked on Fastboot mode, can guide me the using fastboot to recover it?
I have all the files from EG25GGBR07A08M2G_30.203.30.203 provide by quectel.
Let me know what else i need to provide
thanks !

Which platfrom you can upgrade the EG25G? Linux or Windows?
You can short the USB_BOOT pin with VDD_EXT and power on the modem, the modem will go into EDL mode and then you can flash it.

I’m using USB to pci-e connector on window11 now, what other option can I recover it ?

@Bean.Wang-Q mine was LTE EG25-G Mini PCIe, does it come with USB_BOOT pin with VDD_EXT on the 52pin on PCIe ?

USB_BOOT is the PIN115. Short it with 1.8V, and power on the modem, the modem will go to EDL mode and then you can flash it.

@Bean.Wang-Q I’m able to get QDloader 9008
But still seeing FAIL, DL_Firehose, Timeout.

Closely look at this model is EG25GGC-128, do I another firmware, please email me.

It seems has nothing to with the firmware. Maybe you can swith to another USB cable. Or can you upgrade the frimware on Linux?

@Bean.Wang-Q I’ve tired another port still the same, please confirm EG25GGB and EG25GGC are using same firmware ? Can you send me EG25GGC firmware to test it out ?

Who sent you the firmware.
For the firmware, please tell me what the current firmware is and the IMEI on it.

@Bean.Wang-Q Hi got the firmware from Herbert, when I was doing batch upgrade those EG25GGBR07A08M2G_30.200.30.200. I didn’t notice the one unit is EG25GGC with I MEI 864081066263000, cant boot at the moment.

OK. The default firmware is EG25GGCR07A02M1G.
The lastest firmware is still EG25GGCR07A02M1G_30.202.30.202.
Why you want to upgrde?

Hi Bean, I as mentioned, I’ve overlooked EG25G-C mixed up when I upgrade EG25G-B in batch. So now this EG25G-C stuck in Fastboot, can share the EG25GGCR07A02M1G_30.202.30.202 and I flash it back ?

cannot boot up any more?
Please check the message.

Never downgrade!

Thank you!, Finally resolved.

Very glad it resolved.
Please do not downgrade the firmware version.

Please share how to resolve this. Recently when installing EG25GGBR07A08M2G_OCPU_30.200.30.200 we also had the same issue on about 10% of the modules. When it happens with more than one but not all modules it is concerning.

We are not downgrading but we must use the OCPU version

I need the lastest firmware of EG25-G, now it’s EG25GGBR07A08M2G_30.201.30.201

Please provide the current firmware version and the IMEI on it.

That’s hard to find out after they are broken. And also I am not sure how this helps when 45 out of 50 completed the process fine. But I will find out the answer as requested by checking logs

NOTE we have more than one in this condition

Sample IMEI : 867698040884515

Revision: EG25GGBR07A08M2G