EC25AFFAR07A08M4G Firmware for EC25 AF

Im am Looking to update firmware for a EC25 AFFA
current Version is
Aug 25 2020 10:40:12
Authors: QCT

I am currently looking to update firmware for a EP06-A module.


I have sent the latest firmware to your email, please check

Could you also send me the firmware for the version of EP06ALAR02A08M4G before ‘R02A08_01.003.01.003’ so that I can test out the changes. Thank you!

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I need a firmware upgrade, current one is EC25AFFAR07A08M4G_01.001.01.001, could you send a new one please? Thank you!

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I need latest to firmware of EC25
That is my dev kit revision.



Revision: EC21EFAR06A07M4G

Do you need EC25 or EC21?

Sorry, I have both, I sent the revision of EC21 by mistake. EC25 and EC21 I need the latest firmware.

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I have some random issues with EC25-E (EC25EFAR06A10M4G) and EC25-EUX (EC25EUXGAR08A08M1G). they are sometimes able to connect to network, sometimes not… Are there some know issues in these firmware releases that would explain this?
Also can you confirm if EC25-E and EC25-EUX are CAT-M1 able on B20 800MHz?
Thanks in advance.

I also have firmware EC25AFAR05A06M4G could you please send me the latest version? Thank you

I have sent the latest frimware your email, please check

Can I get the latest firmware and tools to load the firmware for the EC25AF. My revision is: EC25AFFAR07A14M4G

I have sent the latest frimware and Qflash your email, please check

Hi, can I please get the latest firmware and Qflash tool for the EC25-AF PCIe card (EC25AFFD-512-SGAS)?

Also, how can I check the current firmware that is installed?

Thank you

Please provide your current firmware version



Firmware: EC25AFFDR07A07M4G

Thank you

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