EC25AFFAR07A08M4G Firmware for EC25 AF


I would like to download the EC25AFFAR07A08M4G firmware and the utility to change the firmware. Where can I download such things?

Thank you.


  • The current firmware version and the latest version have been sent, please check

Hi, thanks for the response. I don’t know where you sent them. I have not received anything. The particular version I am asking for is one that removes the IPv6 only T-Mobile lock. That is the one in the original request. I understand there is also an AT command to do it too. But I cannot get an IPv4 address from T-Mobile with the firmware I have now.



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I would like to have the latest firmware for EC25 also

What is your current firmware version?

Hi Herbert,
I would like to have the latest firmware for EC25 also.
My current firmware version is EC25EFAR08A02M4G.
Thanks in advance.

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Thank you Herbert, i got your email.
With this firmware i can do QuecOpen mode right?

This is standard firmware, not open

Oh, where i can find the open firmware for my lte-open-evb-kit?
No firmware in usb drive ;(

Please get it through your purchasing channel

driver has sent to your e-mail

Yes, I’ve been asking them since July, with no real feedback.



Revision: EP06ALAR02A08M4G

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Thank you so much Herbert, excellent support :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help

I would like to have the newest firmware for EC25AFFAR07A08M4G

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