EC200A-EU latest firmware

I have sent it to you


Hi, could you please send me the firmware for this version EC200TEUHAR05A04M16 and the firmware for it to my mail too. Thanks.
Quectel EC200A

I have sent it to you

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Hello, please send the latest firmware.
model: EC200A
revision: EC200AEUHAR01A13M16

I have sent it to you

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hi, please send the altest firmware:


Hello, please send me again the firmware of this version EC200AEUHAR01A03M08 as well as the firmware for it. Quectel EC200A-EU
I wrote wrong firmware and modem version yesterday. Thanks again

I have sent it to you

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I have sent it to you

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Thanks for this answer, but unfortunately this firmware version does not work stably in my router, I need a slightly older version EC200AEUHAR01A03M08 , if possible, please send the specified firmware version. Thank you very much for your support

Please, can you pass me the qflash tool and the last firmarwaue for the EC200A-EU

I have sent the latest firmware and Qflash to you, please check, and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thanks

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Hello, could you please send the qflash tool along with the latest firmware for the EC200A-EU?

I have sent the latest firmware and Qflash to you, please check, and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thanks

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Please, could you send me the qflash tool and the latest firmware for the EC200A-EU? thank you!


Can you please send me the latest firmware for

Revision: EC200AEUHAR01A21M16

Also please send the tools and manual for updating. preferably in English!

Thank you

Hello, can you please send me the latest firmware for

I have sent the latest firmware to you, please check, and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thanks


I have sent the latest firmware to you, please check, and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thanks