DCHP with RM520N-GL (ethernet mode?)

Hi, I’m using an RM520N-GL in a M2 adaptor. It’s running in an ethernet mode, with RJ45 output. The connected computer gets an IPv4 address in the range 192.168.225.x. What I would like to know is how to change that range (eg to 192.168.10.x). Is there a command reference covering this please?
Also, can the module supply a DCHPv6 IP address?


You can obtain the address assigned by the carrier and avoid extra NAT, see Can't place RM520 in IP Passthrough (IPPT) mode - #4 by sirozha

See this for IPv6: RM520N-GL IP Passthrough with Network Adatper Mode

Thanks, that is very useful.
But can you also advise me on how to manage the DCHP server please?

Same thread, first message:

Command syntax is shown in the other thread I linked:
+QMAP: "LANIP",<LAN_IP_start_address>,<LAN_IP_end_address>,<GW_IP_address>

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