Carrier aggregation not getting all bands RM520N-GL

Hi @meloserj, hope you are well! I have GL.inet X3000 with Rm520-GL and it does only 3x CA and I am considering to buy RM520-EU or RM521F as it can support 5X CA. what modem are you using? did you see any improvement with upload speed after RM520-EU. did you configure everything from scratch or just plug & play. please share your experience.

Kind regards, Mahe

Hi @Mahe
Actually I replaced my 520-GL with 520-EU as I am living in MEA and the GL was not doing the CA I wanted. The European version is fully compatible with my network, however the CA has one frequency less than what I used to have on Netgear M5.
But so far its stable and I received the latest firmware. Its on development board from aliexpress and connected 24/7 to network. Just 2 times I faced 5G-NSA dead cell, which I rebooted the modem.
Hope this helps