Hi, thank you for the assistance and availability of the technicians (@george). I’m still experimenting with the bluetooth connection (classic) esp32 wroom module connected via rx and px pins.
Through the serial monitor of the Android Serial Bluetooth app I see that the data is transmitted but the nmea strings are “infested” with special characters and do not have the correct format.
I think that’s why the gnss master app tells me it’s not receiving nmea! I attach a screenshot and the sketch set to esp32.
I tried several changes to the sketch but I didn’t solve it. maybe the problem is something else.
Does anyone already have experience with this and can help me?
Have a good day everyone
Esp32_gps.pdf (355.0 KB)
Hi @falajons
- Some garbled information exists in the received NMEA information. Is LC29HEA opening RTCM data or Binary data?
- If outputted through UART, can it be outputted normally?
Thanks George but I don’t understand exactly what you’re asking or what I should do.
- question: how do I determine whether it is opening RTCM data or binary data??;
- I really don’t understand the second question (I apologize).
At the moment I have suspended experiments with bluetooth modules or esp32 modules because I have the sensation of having problems with the uart port as I described in my last message.
thanks again
Hi @falajons
- In the “Binary data” window of the QGNSS tool, if the output is RTCM information, then RTCM is turned on. If the “Binary data” output is not RTCM, then it is Binary data.
- If the output directly through the serial port is normal, then it means that there is a problem with your main control processing.
Hello @falajons
I’m also experimenting with the ESP32 WROOM. I have connected to my LC29HEA board. Exactly the same way you have it. When I first started with setting this up I found that that Serial connection speed was incorrect as stated on most forums. I have to use 460800 baudrate. In any case, I can’t get my bluetooth to power on so I can use it on my Android. Iam using ESP32 Xbee firmware. Which firmware are you using on your ESP32?
Hi XAVIER, sorry for the delay. For the Bluetooth connection between GPS and mobile phone, some participants in this forum helped me and in particular @splee who programmed an optimized sketch for me: I thank them all again because, not being a programmer, I would never have been able to solve it.
I attach the sketch for esp32 that I use with my LC29HEA and LG290P GPSs.
If necessary, modify the pins used as tx and rx and the baud rate as appropriate.
BT_BLE_Bridge_SP_optimized.txt (7.0 KB)