[BG95-M3] boots, but does not communicate over USB

Hello people,

we verify that our board with the BG95-M3 is powered by 4.2V, and the 1.8V signal is ok.

We were able to update the firmware via boot, but when we connect it to the computer’s USB, this device appears.


We were unable to send AT commands to the module, either via USB or Uart. Has anyone had this same problem?

Connect VDD_EXT to BOOT_PIN…

Hi WizIO! Thanks for the tip!

We made this connection, updated the firmware, but nothing has changed.

We did a deeper search, read all the forum topics, and confirmed with the manual, the problem was the GNSS TX:

We removed this circuit and the module started normally!

Thanks again for your time WizIO!

Connect VDD_EXT & BOOT pins,
Power ON
The Windows PC will install USB boot driver
Use this USB-UART and update firmware