Hi Otto & Seng-Poh, the module can be set as a base and transmit rtcm output data…
You need to consider pair commands instead of pqtm…
Quectel has diversified the LC29H series to make it easier to use without having to apply too many $PAIR commands with the introduction of $PQTM commands that can group even several pair commands at once.
However, regardless of the methods used, a common strategy used for all GNSS receivers is the implementation of the rtcm protocol and the reading of nmea sentences.
For a receiver to output its precise position, it needs the rtcm corrections. They can come from a ntrip_caster which can be a dump gnss module in a fixed position, having known coordinates and transmitting its position, navigation and ephemeris via the rtcm protocol.LC29H_AA can do this but needs some specific commands.
I don’t have the AA version anymore but;
if the firmware version does not support $PQTMCFGRCVRMODE,W,2*29
# set receiver to base mode try to set the module to full rtcm output…remember to save and restart after every single command to take effect:
set at 1Hz,$PAIR050,1000*12
$PAIR382,1*2E → Test command for lock system sleep enabled
$PAIR003*39 → power off GNSS system
$PAIR863,0,0*37 ask& get bit_mask **note it for recovery**
$PAIR862,0,0,239*22 bit mask for rtcm output only
$PAIR511*3F Save current navigation data from RTC RAM to flash
$PAIR513*3D Save the current configurations from RTC RAM to NVM.
$PAIR023*3B reboot module
ask if bitmask is saved after reboot $PAIR863,0,0*37
if not try to set at 1Hz,$PAIR050,1000*12
disable nmea sentences and enable rtcm $PAIR436 & $PAIR432 only
send rtcm module’s data to rtklib as a rover for define base solution… choose a ntrip as base.
Set the solution as base in lo.la,hi $PAIR604 see 2.3.129 Packet Type:604
$PAIR062,1,0*3F Disable GLL sentence.
$PAIR062,2,0*3C Disable GSA sentence.
$PAIR062,3,0*3D Disable GSV sentence
$PAIR062,5,0*3B ; Disable VTG sentence.
$PAIR062,0,1*3F turn on GGA nmea
$PAIR434,1*24 ==> set RTCM3.x output with message type 1005
$PAIR436,1*26 ==> set RTCM3.x output with satellite ephemeris
$PAIR432,1*22 ==> set RTCM3.x output with type MSM7