Beginner question on RTCM on LC29

With RTKBase, you can specify a manual base station antenna position and it will generate the RTCM3-1005 message itself. In fact, you would need to disable it from the LC29HAA

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Once know the fixed location U can set the module in ecef or lat.lon.hei e.g.
pair command list in mega_link.


Wow, Marco, what are these secret commands from the SimCom document?! They are not documented in the Quectel document…Seems like there is more to the LC29H than I realized…

E non è tutto, il chip AG3335 ha anche un sdk che Airoha non vuole concedere ai profani…
In questi giorni proverò un gemello di _HEA a meno della metà del prezzo…

It would seem that the different companies that use the AIROHA engine choose to disclose different features for their own marketing purposes…

Hehe, sounds very interesting and promising. Thanks a thousand times for sharing your knowledge and giving all those hints. I will purchase one of these boards and give it a try.

Seems to be for orange / raspi pi and primarily the ublox receiver (though its configurable) . I was hoping for a solution for ESP32, but its ok for getting into the matter using a Windows PC first. Will see.

Yes, RTKBase runs on a Linux system. I run my base station as a Linux VM on a PC and adapted it to work with Quectel modules. I have also used esp32 Xbee solutions, but found those to be less reliable.

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Sí, entiendo lo que quieres decir, pero no parece haber ningún EVB económico para módulos simcom…

Send me a empty message on gmail, I will reply with a link (from Italy)…
bamarcant (at)

I just ordered the module (aa) and hope it will arrive. I will then test the procedure described by bamarcant, hope it works. Likewise, I will then report. I will also try these different applications, esp. Xbee. Still new to this topic, but willing to learn (by doing). Will come back to this forum…
Thanks so far!

Just curious, if you didn’t have it already, why didn’t you buy a LC29HEA, which can do both Rover and Base?

As I said, I came across this module (aa), when searching for a GNSS receiver as a base station. It doesn’t need RTK, just the data for correction. It is advertised in this manner, and I couldn’t find an answer, how to evaluate this statement. That’s why I asked here. After bamarcant posted his view and suggestions, I decided to give it a try. Why not :slight_smile:

For the rover side, I’m indeed preferring a more sophisticated module, like the mentioned (ea) or (da).