XTRA not working after reboot on EG25-G

If XTRA data is loaded after reboot and standalone GPS mode is started, satellite information isn’t available in GSV sentences for a long time (may take several minutes). It looks like a cold start.

GPS log after XTRA is injected after reboot:

sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPSEND'
response: ''

sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPSXTRADATA?'
response: '+QGPSXTRADATA: 10080,"2023/06/10,11:00:00"'

sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPS=1'
response: ''

sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPSGNMEA="GSV"'
response: ''

sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPSGNMEA="RMC"'
response: ''

sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPSGNMEA="GSV"'
response: ''

sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPSGNMEA="RMC"'
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'

sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPSGNMEA="GSV"'
response: ''

response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: ''
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPGSV,1,1,01,19,,,27,1*68'
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPGSV,1,1,01,19,,,27,1*68'
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPGSV,1,1,01,19,,,26,1*69'
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPGSV,1,1,01,19,,,29,1*66'
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'

But if XTRA data is injected after GPS fix, then satellite information is available in GSV sentences almost immediately.

To force cold start and clear previous XTRA data and other information following commands were used before injecting XTRA:

sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPSDEL=0'
sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPSDEL=3'

GPS log after XTRA is injected after GPS fix:

sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPSEND'
response: ''

sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPSXTRADATA?'
response: '+QGPSXTRADATA: 10080,"2023/06/10,11:00:00"

sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPS=1'
response: ''

sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPSGNMEA="GSV"'
response: '
sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPSGNMEA="RMC"'
response: ''

sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPSGNMEA="GSV"'
response: ''

sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPSGNMEA="RMC"'
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53'

sudo mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGPSGNMEA="GSV"'
response: '+QGPSGNMEA: $GPGSV,4,1,13,03,12,144,,04,56,097,,05,,,,06,29,237,,1*55^M
+QGPSGNMEA: $GPGSV,4,2,13,07,35,199,,09,81,203,,11,33,292,,16,28,084,,1*69^M
+QGPSGNMEA: $GPGSV,4,3,13,20,20,307,,26,23,046,,29,11,352,,30,07,212,,1*68^M
+QGPSGNMEA: $GPGSV,4,4,13,31,08,047,,1*5F^M
+QGPSGNMEA: $PQGSV,3,1,12,02,07,122,,05,16,147,,06,25,064,,07,07,099,,0,4*6D^M
+QGPSGNMEA: $PQGSV,3,2,12,09,42,068,,10,03,112,,16,21,063,,19,00,293,,0,4*69^M
+QGPSGNMEA: $PQGSV,3,3,12,20,46,284,,23,50,122,,25,32,053,,29,10,274,,0,4*68'

Is it possible to get XTRA working after reboot? Do we miss something?

Information about the firmware

mmcli -m any --command='AT+QGMR'
response: 'EG25GGBR07A08M2G_30.007.30.007'

Hi @AndreySV
Is this problem solved? If necessary, please send me your email, and I can send you the latest firmware for a try.

No, problem is not solved unfortunately. Do you have any tips or suggestions what could be wrong?
Do you steps how to confirm that XTRA is working correctly, that we could reproduce? For example, by connecting modem to Windows/Linux PC and checking in your software?