Hi Herbert,
can you please send me the latest windows 11 usb driver for the quectel RM520N-GL? i’ try this:
Quectel_LTE&[5G_Windows_USB_Driver_V2.2.4.zip](https://5G_Windows_USB_Driver_V2.2.4.zip ,
but it doesn’t even start installing the files (after starting the executable, after a few seconds the installation procedure closes without having installed anything).
I also need these drivers to be able to install the latest firmware available ( A06) . Thank you.
can I get the Windows 11 drivers as well for the RM520N-GL? BTW. Quectel’s “Downloads” page is broken on Edge and Chrome. I never loads.
Also, it’s silly that there’s not just links to these in the forum. Is there a reason that you only email these to people instead of just posting links?
Just a note to others that might be trying to solve this. The drivers in V2.2.4 referenced above do NOT work on Windows 11. The Quectel_Windows_USB_Driver(Q)_NDIS_V2.3.3 drivers that @herbert.pan-Q can provide do work.
I have tried everything NDIS, MBIM drivers can’t get this RM520N-GL to work tried AT Commands to switch between NDIS and MBIM drivers load correctly in device manager but no modem appears under network adapters so Windows doesn’t know a cellular modem is present. I’m about to give up and order a different card maybe it’s just Windows 11 tried multiple pc’s as well same exact issue. Tried two different USB to M.2 B key adapters as well one by Waveshare supposed to work. The only thing I haven’t done is the cards firmware.
HI Herbert, please email me the current WIndows 10 and Windows 11 drivers for the RM530N-GL.
Is there a driver for Android 13 for the RM530N-GL that works via OTG? If so, please include it.