Windows 11 Quectel EM120R No service

Good evening!

Just a month ago, I received a new laptop, a Lenovo Thinkpad L15, which originally had Windows 10 pre-installed. The built-in Quectel EM120R-GL WWAN adapter worked well. I updated to Windows 11 last week and it still worked, but over the weekend there were several updates to Windows 11 that were installed automatically, I forgot to turn it off in time. Since then, the WWAN adapter does not work, it recognizes the eSIM card of the service provider (Vodafone), asks for the PIN code, but then says “No service”.

Over the weekend I browsed the forum and the settings for the Microsoft WWAN adapter, but I couldn’t find a solution. Since my work requires the WWAN adapter (mobile internet connection), this causes a serious problem. I tried uninstalling the updates, but unfortunately not all of them can be uninstalled and the ones I managed to uninstall didn’t solve the problem. I also tried to reinstall the driver of the WWAN adapter, without success.

The problem is clearly a software one, the service today ruled out a WWAN hardware error. An update may be causing the problem, but no additional updates can be uninstalled. Unfortunately, reinstalling Windows is not a solution due to the registration of the programs used, and the problem may occur again. The netsh mbn show interfaces command clearly shows the modem, the netsh mbn show radio interfaces=“Mobile” indicates that the WWAN adapter is switched on and does not detect a network yet. Instead of the default APN, I created a new one with the settings recommended by the service provider, but that didn’t change the problem either.

Could someone help me because I really need the WWAN adapter.

Thanks for the help

Does anyone have an idea for a solution?

I suggest asking Lenovo and/or Microsoft.

I already asked Microsoft, they tried to help yesterday and today, but they couldn’t.
Lenovo just told me to update the driver.

That’s why I contacted the manufacturer, hoping they could help.