Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22.04 Drivers and Firmware for RM500Q-GL,RM502Q-AE, and 530N-GL

Dear Support,

I recently got some Quectel RF devices including RM500Q-GL, RM502Q-AE and RM530N-GL, I’m trying to set up these devices under both window 11 and ubuntu 22.04 system. Could you kindly provide the latest Drivers and Firmware for these devices?

it would be great appriciate if a detailed tutorial would be provided as well.

Thank you very much for your help.


For Ubuntu, I think it is supported by default.
I will send you the windows driver.

Dear Bean,

As you mean supported by default for ubuntu, do you mean that no driver needs to be installed additionally?

Just want to double check, for the windows drivers, are they sent as you stated? If so, where can I find it?


I’ve sent it please check the website message.
For Ubuntu, you can check
lsusb -t

why do you have to email drivers? why can you put it in on your downloads page?

I need 530N-GL windows drivers. Please provide not just me, but the rest of your customers easy access to needed drivers for your products.

For RM530N windows driver, you could try this driver.

Quectel has many different kinds of modules, for anything not clear please tell us on the forums.