Windows 10 USB Drivers for RM500-Q GL

I am trying to use a RM500Q-GL in Windows 10 but I got a driver error as shown in screen captures.

This is our environment:

Laptop OS: Windows 10
Driver: Quectel_Windows_USB_Driver(Q)_NDIS_V2.2
Modem: RM500Q-GL
And we connected the Modem to the Laptop with USB to C cable.

As shown in below screen captures:
The error message is “Can’t start this detvice (code 10)” in Windows Device Manager.

Please let me know if there is anything else I need to do.

Thank you.

Dear @soohyun
Could you share how you connect module to PC? It is better to provide a picture.
Please confirm the power suppy is enough for module.
I also sent the latest driver to you via Message, please check.

When I click on the link to download the ‘Quectel_Windows_USB_Driver(Q).zip’ you sent me, the error ‘Site cannot be reached’ appears. Could you send it again?

5V/2A power is connected to the 5V/3A power adapter, but the ‘device can not start’.'Error has appeared. How can you solve it? Can I solve it by connecting the power adapter of 3A?

The picture shows me connecting the module to the laptop.
Thank you for your help.