Why does BC660K-GL send a full data block on receive?

I am doing first steps with BC660K-GL. This modem work really nice, but - as mentioned - I am still finding out which commands I need…

Meanwhile I can extablish the TCP connection to ‘netcat’ on Linux. I can send data, they arrive with approx. 2-3 seconds delay in netcat. When I type something in netcat and press enter, a line of this type appears on modem side:
I type in netcat: “12345”
+QIURC: “recv”,0,6,“12345 _ LOTS OF BLANKS_HERE_
^-- 6 = Number of valid bytes (so is also received. This is fine.) But all this spaces after real data…?!!

This modem always outputs a blank-padded data block in a size I do not use. But I have to receive it, and this requires a lots bigger receive buffer than necessary! Of course, I can configure my receiving interrupt procedure to accept i.e. only one at the end of the buffer and to suppress further ones, but this means that I modify the data stream before it is processed. Actually no good idea, but I see not many other choices…

Is there a way to configure the modem to only output real data instead of a full block?

I recommend that you use the COM tool to debug BC660K on windows OS.