Is there a variant of LG69T (or any other type) that can be used with RTK (either SSR or OSR) corrections worldwide ?
The datasheet mentions LG69TAP, but posts in this forum say that it is only designed to work in China.
Is there a variant of LG69T (or any other type) that can be used with RTK (either SSR or OSR) corrections worldwide ?
The datasheet mentions LG69TAP, but posts in this forum say that it is only designed to work in China.
Hi VadimZ,
LG69TAM supports RTK (with standard RTCM correction) outside China. Please check the attached docomentation of LG69TAM.
Best regards,
Quectel_LG69T(AM,AQ,AS)_Hardware_Design_V1.0.0_Preliminary_20220121.pdf (1.2 MB)
Quectel_LG69T(AM,AQ,AS)_Reference_Design_V1.0.0_Preliminary_20220117.pdf (298.1 KB)
Quectel_LG69T(AM)_GNSS_Protocol_Specification_V1.0.0_Preliminary_20211018.pdf (289.8 KB)
Thanks Meiji,
Is there any documentation about which RTCM messages are accepted for corrections ? MSM4/MSM7/ARP1005 ?
Hi VadimZ,
MSM4 and MSM7 are supported.
Best regards
Great. Can the LG69TAM output MSM messages (that is, function as a base station) ?
Or there is a different module for that ?
Hi @meiji-Q
Can the LG69TAM output MSM messages (that is, function as a base station) ?
Or there is a different module for that ?
Hi Vadimz,
LG69T-AS works as a base station. Hardware design of AS has been shared, please check its protocol specification attached here.
Best regards
Quectel_LG69T(AS)_GNSS_Protocol_Specification_V1.0.pdf (203.7 KB)