What is the current QNavigator Version?

I have QNavigator V1.6.10 is there a new version?

Reason is that when I try 4G Cell lock my RM520 in PCIe mode on a 5G to RJ45 test board, the RM520 disconnects and 4G cell lock doesn’t work. Thank you.

Dear @Alpha
Sorry, there isn’t a new version for this.
Could you share the test procedure? How did you lock 4G cell?

To lock on a single cell I use the following AT Command:


To set my RM520 modem in to PCIE mode I use the following AT Commands


The following test board is the one I use: M.2 to RJ45 Adapter

After I send Cell lock command Modem accepts then it disconnects.

Dear @Alpha
Did you confirm if the SIM card supports the frequency of cell or not? When you didn’t lock the cell, did it work fine? Or you can use AT+QENG=“servingcell” to check.

Yes it works fine.

Yes it does support the frequency.

After sending the cell lock command, modem accepts then disconnects. It stays disconnected until I Send AT+CFUN=1,1 reboot command. I have also tried AT+CFUN=0 then AT+CFUN=1 to try and reconnect modem after cell lock

Dear @Alpha
Why did you want to lock cell? After lock cell,modem will only search and measure the cell and freq. Is it possible to configure specific band not the cell?

Because in that particular cell, I receive better connection and network stability.

I recall that if cell lock is performed while modem is in a OpenWRT based router in QMI mode it will connect. Problem only happens in PCIE mode.

not exactly, modem defaults to a single band, and does not Carrier Aggregate other bands.

Can you show me how the following AT Command is used to send commands through ethernet connection in PCIE mode?


Dear @Alpha
I found some notes for the At command:AT+QNWLOCK=“common/4g”, there are some limitation for this.

Maybe I’m missing step 3. I will try later.

Can you help me with finding the RGMII AT Client for Windows 10/11?

Thank you

Dear @Alpha
Currently, we didn’t have document to describe RGMII for RM520Q,but I share the document of AT+QMAP via Message, hope it can help you.

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Thank you, I will look into it.

Can you please share also the AT+QMAP document? I am trying to understand its syntax as well. Thank you.

Dear @hazarjast
I have sent it to you via Message, please check and note it is for RM520N.

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Thank you! It is greatly appreciated.

Thank you the document was of grear help.

I would like to ask:

Is there a " RGMII AT Client" for windows?

It works great on linux x64, I can send AT Commands over ethernet, but I prefer to use windows. Thanks

Dear @Alpha
Actually, we didn’t have it.

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Thank you, Dear @silvia You have answered all my current questions.

Hi,Can you please share also the AT+QMAP document? thank you

@silvia Could I please get the AT+QMAP document as well?