Want to use LWM2M in BG95 M3 have firmware BG95M3LAR02A04

Hello everyone,
I want to use LWM2M in BG95 M3 having firmware BG95M3LAR02A04.

if i test the command QLWCFG and QLWSVC i get following response.

_ATcmdBuf: AT+QLWCFG=?
+QLWCFG: “autostart”,(0,1)
+QLWCFG: “pdpcid”,(0-5),(1-16),<apn_class>
+QLWCFG: “security”,(0-5),,<server_addr>,,(0,3),<psk_id>,<psk_key>
+QLWCFG: “server”,(0-5),<life_time>,<period_min>,<period_max>,<disable_time>,,<
+QLWCFG: “epns”,,<bs_epname>,<reg_epname>
+QLWCFG: “version”,(0,1)
+QLWCFG: “select”,(0-6),(0,1)
+QLWCFG: “host”,<host_index>,<host_id>,<host_value>
+QLWCFG: “device”,,<model_no>,<hw_version>,<sw_version>,<fw_version>,
+QLWCFG: “session”,<life_time>,<resume_time>

p_ATcmdBuf: AT+QLWSVC=?

QLWSVC: “reg”,(0,1)
QLWSVC: “dereg”,(0,1)
QLWSVC: “lifetime”,<short_id>,(30-86400)
QLWSVC: “update”,<short_id>,<with_object>
QLWSVC: “state”,(0-5)

Please anyone can help me how to send LWM2M data and Receive Data from server. In Lwm2m Document there is a command name “uldata” for sending data . but its not supported in this firmware. so please help me out in this

Hi @Mayank_Gour

Could you please check AT+QGMR then i can share you the latest FW which support this command.