I was unable to make a voice call with the RM520NGLAAR01A08M4G? Never on 3G, LTE and 5G network. Is this feature available on this version ?
The R520N-GL is designed for data only. And it do not support the voice call.
Quectel won’t open the feature for it even later.
If you must try it, you can try
But it is not recommended. If you need the voice call feature, it is better to contact with the sales for another Quectel modem.
Does ATDxxx; return ERROR?
Section 6 “Call Related Commands” of the document “RG520N&RG525F&RG5x0F
&RM5x0N&RM521F Series
AT Commands Manual” is not applicable to the RM520N-GL?
I tried the command ATD and the result is “No Carrier”
RM520NGL do not support voice call. Almost all the M.2 cellular modules are designed for data only.
@cchengwa yes. data and SMS only. no voice support that is why you get “NO CARRIER” for R520N-GL
For RM520N we need to enable the voice with
Nice, I can make a voice call with this setting. I receive audio on the remote side, but I have nothing on the RM520 receive side. I’m use the PCM port +QDAI=1,0,0,5,0,1,1,1, I try many AT+QAUDMOD config and the AT+CLVL=5. Another point, how to enable arm-wb, on the RM500 we can use AT+QNVFW=“/nv/item_files/ims/qipcall_codec_mode_set_amr_wb” , it semms that not the case on the RM520N. Thanks
Do you have an external CodeC?
Yes, I have a C controller to manage AT command. But I can stop it and use picocom to send AT command. I use the version RM520NGLAAR03A03M4G.
I may not have expressed it clearly. What I meant is that the module should be connected to an external CODEC.

And then we can hear the voice and speak to the remote.
Of course we have one. On the same hardware the RM500Q is working well. The bus is a TDM 16bit @16Hz. It isn’t an hardware issue. When you enable the audioloop, we receive nothing on the remote side. It look like, the audio output is muted…
I check the PCM port with an oscilloscope and I can confirm that the module get out nothing on DOUT pin. Other signals are here and follow the DAI configuration. Also, when I make an audioloop, I receive nothing on the remote side.
Another question, how to check ARM-WB configuration and recieve ARM-WB notification ? Commands AT+QCFG=“amrcodec” and AT+QNVFW=“/nv/item_files/ims/qipcall_codec_mode_set_amr_wb” used on RM500 doesn’t exist on this module.
It is because this RM520N is not designed for Voice call. It is data only. If the customer must need the voice, it is better to try the RG520N which is in M.2.
I understand your point of view, but your european team asks me to accept the RM520N in place of the RM500 for my last order. Then, I need a solution with this new module.
I did more tests, and I confirm it can establish an HD voice connection. Then, I just need to receive sample on DOUT.
I did the same test with the RM520N-EU (Revision: RM520NEUDAR03A06M4G) who has voice certification. With this module version we receive audio from the module, but unfortunately the PCM is always at 8kHz. I set audio param to +QDAI: x,0,0,5,0,1,1,1 +QAUDCFG: “QAUDRD_CFG”,16000 , +QAUDCFG: “QPCMV_CFG”,16000,64 but you still provide a frame sync at 8Hkz in place 16kHz. With such configuration isn’t possible to have the full HD voice audio band. Also, as you use AMR wide band (HD Voice) to encode and as you set audio interface to 8kHz, we can hear buffer jump = audio drop into the audio signal. Do you have a solution to solve that ?