Verizon verification IMEI number EC25-AF


I have a EC25-AF PCIE module that I am trying to connect to Verizon network, I reached out to our account manager about getting a SIM Card activated for use with the Raspberry Pi we are trying to get connected online and he said that the IMEI number is not listed in their database.

I checked the IMEI number on this Verizon site as well;

Is there anyway you can check if this device has been sent to Verizon for activation?

IMEI # 866834040863685

I am trying to connect a RaspberryPi to Verizon using a SixFab hat board and the mini PCIE with the EC25-AF chip.

This is the SIXFAB tutorial I am using to connect the Pi to Verizon.

Hello Kamowa, thanks for your question on quectel forums
Our module has pass Verrizon certification, your evice should be certified, you can refer this document.
How to register on VZW network v4.pdf (518.2 KB) image