Hi. I am trying to use LC29HBA in RTK mode using NTRIP Client.
As you can see in the picture, communication between the base server and PC appears to be working well, but it does not enter RTK mode.
The test environment was open with no buildings around, and the Internet connection was good.
Is there anything else I need to do to enter RTK mode?
Please use the “$PQTMVERNO*58” command to check the version of the module and let me know.
How long did you test? Did you use a self-built base station or a purchased account? What messages are there in the injected RTCM data? Please provide them.
Please confirm whether the LC29HBA has been activated? If the module outputs the message “$PQTMTXT,1,01,01,03,This version is not licensed, please
contact FAE.*7C”, it means it is not activated. If this message is not output, it means it is activated. If the module is not activated, please contact the local FAE for activation.
Now I want to enter RTK mode without using QGNSS.
I will be using it with a Raspberry Pi connected to WiFi. How do I configure it to automatically connect to the NTRIP Client every time I boot?