Upgrade EG25-G Firmware


I want to update the firmware of my Quectel EG25-G.



Can you provide the latest firmware? And the current firmware to keep as a backup please?

I would also like to know if I can do DFOTA to the EG25-G using the AT commands that appear in the user guide: Quectel_EC2x&EG9x&EM05_DFOTA_User_Guide

Best regards,

EG25GGCR07A02M1G_30.202.30.202 is the latest firmware, If you want to upgrade via DFOTA, you need to send EG25GGCR07A02M1G_30.200.30.200 and EG25GGCR07A02M1G_30.202.30.202 to support@quectel.com to request delta packets