Upgrade BG95-M4

I am currently working with the BG95-M4, Is there a way to locally upgrade the firmware through usb on linux os ?

Hi @hmaied

Is be ok for using DFOTA to upgeade?

Hi, i would like to join the request. I need the latest firmware update for BG95-M4. According to my research, it should be “BG95M4LAR02A02_01.201.01.201”. Unfortunately, an over-the-air update is not possible as we have several BG95-M4 modems with several firmware versions.

Like @gernotohnenot, we have several BG95-M4 modems with different firmware versions and it will be easier to upgrade locally through usb. is it possible ?

Hi @hmaied @gernotohnenot

Let me check and i will feedback ASAP.

did you have any news ?

@Linkin-Q Did you checked if you can provide us with the newest firmware?

Hi @gernotohnenot @hmaied

newest firmware and upgrade on Linux os ? or just firmware, we have a problem about upgrade tool on linux.

Hi @Linkin-Q ,
My question was it is possible to locally upgrade the firmware through usb ? (I use embedded linux)

Linux or Windows does not matter.