Unable to receive nmea sentence on EC20 module

Dear team,

I am using Quectel EC20 module in my project. I want to receive the current location (lat & long) using GNSS module. I am referring to “AT Commands Manual” to achieve this . I am using main com port to send AT commands to the module.

After enabling the nmeasrc functionality succeefully, I am not receiving the nmea sentence (RMC or GGA). I receive only “OK” as a response.
After reading further, I realized that nmea sentences will be received on debug port and usbnmea ONLY. But I am not able to access the debug port as it asks for login credentials.

  1. Where I can get the credentials for my module?
  2. Is there any way that I can receive nmea sentence on main com port?

Hi Pravin Bhilare,

If you want to read NMEA message from debug port, please follow these steps:

  1. AT+QGPSCFG=“outport”[,“uartdebug”]
  2. AT+QGPS=1
  3. Switch the connection to debug port( Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port ), and you will be able to read rapid NMEA message.

Best regards.