Unable to receive data from server in transparent mode mc60


I am using a MC60 and I want to send & receive data with a remote server in transparent mode. I mean, (1) I want to exchange data over UART without using AT command to send or receive data and (2) I dont want to receive any overhead on the received data. Exactly as the image below (that is specified on LTE Application note).

I am able to set up the connection with the server and send the data correctly to the server. However I am not able to receive data from the server. I receive something, but not what I am expecting and I cannot understand the meaning. I have tried to deactivating the headers but without success. Can you understand what am I doing wrong? Here the configuration I am using.

  • +QIRD=0,1,0,1500
  • +QICSGP=1,"iot.****"; - APN
  • +QIMUX=0; - Channel 0
  • +CSCS="HEX" - Change to hex bytes
  • +QIMODE=0; - Transparent mode
  • +QIHEAD=0; No IP added to received data
  • +QISHOWRA=0; No address is shown
  • +QISHOWPT=0; No Protocol type showed
  • +QISHOWLA=0; No local IP showed
  • +QITCFG=3,2,1024,1; 3; retries to send data, wait 200ms to change more data, max 1024 bytes of chunk,
  • +QIPROMPT=1;
  • +QIDNSIP=0;
  • +QIOPEN="TCP","data.*****.com",6080\r" Open socket

Best regards,

Take a look at the document I sent you and refer to this section