Unable to read the firmware version from L96M33 via UART

We are using L96M33 module in our project. We are interfacing the sensor with STM32WB microcontroller via UART. But we are unable to read the firmware version from the module. Query used to get the firmware version: $PQVERNO,R*3F\r\n. But not received any response from the L96 module. We are using 9600 as baud rate with stop bits as 1 and parity is none. Below is the hardware interface with microcontroller:

Request your support in resolving the issue.

J. Chandra Sekhar

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Hi chandra010
I looked at the schematic and there is nothing wrong with it.

  1. Have you tried other PMTK commands? Do they work?
  2. If the PMTK command works, it may be that your software version is too old.
  3. Please download the QGNSS tool to update the software version. QGNSS download link: QGNSS_V1.10_CN | 移远通信 (quectel.com.cn)
  4. I will send you the relevant documents and software versions via message.

Hi George,
Thanks for your reply.
None of the PMTK commands are working. Receiving some Junk values. Do you have any application example to communicate with LM96M33 via UART with any host microcontroller. We are trying to communicate over 9600 baud rate.

J. Chandra Sekhar

Hi chandra010

  1. When using the serial port tool to send PMTK commands, you need to add a carriage return and line feed “\r\n” at the end of the command.
  2. If you are using the QGNSS tool, check the box marked in the figure as shown. Send the command and the command will respond successfully.